Change Management 101 - A Primer
By Fred Nickols
Purpose and Audience
The purpose of this paper is to provide a broad overview of the concept
of “change management.” It was written primarily for people
who are coming to grips with change management problems for the first
time and for more experienced people who wish to reflect upon their experience
in a structured way.
Three Basic
In thinking about what is meant by “change
management,” at least three basic definitions come to mind:
1. The task of managing change
2. An area of professional practice
3. A body of knowledge
The Task of
Managing Change
The first and most obvious definition of “change
management” is that the term refers to the task of managing change.
The obvious is not necessarily unambiguous. Managing change is itself
a term that has at least two meanings.
One meaning of managing change refers to the making of changes in a planned
and managed or systematic fashion. The aim is to more effectively implement
new methods and systems in an ongoing organization. The changes to be
managed lie within and are controlled by the organization. However, these
internal changes might have been triggered by events originating outside
the organization, in what is usually termed “the environment.”
Hence, the second meaning of managing change, namely, the response to
changes over which the organization exercises little or no control (e.g.,
legislation, social and political upheaval, the actions of competitors,
shifting economic tides and currents, and so on). Researchers and practitioners
alike typically distinguish between a knee-jerk or reactive response and
an anticipative or proactive response.
An Area of Professional
The second definition of change management is "an
area of professional practice."
There are dozens, if not hundreds, of independent consultants who will
quickly and proudly acknowledge that they are engaged in planned change,
that they are change agents, that they manage change for their clients,
and that their practices are change management practices. There are numerous
small consulting firms whose principals would acknowledge these same statements
about their firms. And most of the major management consulting firms claim
to have a change management practice area.
Some of these change management experts claim to help clients manage the
changes they face, the changes happening to them. Others claim to help
clients make changes. Still others offer to help by taking on
the task of managing changes that must be made. In almost all cases, the
process of change is treated separately from the specifics of the situation.
It is the task of managing this general process of change that is laid
claim to by professional change agents.
A Body of Knowledge
Stemming from the view of change management as
an area of professional practice there arises yet a third definition of
change management: the content or subject matter of change management.
This consists chiefly of the models, methods and techniques, tools, skills,
and other forms of knowledge that go into making up any practice.
The content or subject matter of change management is drawn from psychology,
sociology, business administration, economics, industrial engineering,
systems engineering, and the study of human and organizational behaviour.
For many practitioners, these component bodies of knowledge are linked
and integrated by a set of concepts and principles known as General Systems
Theory (GST). It is not clear whether this area of professional practice
should be termed a profession, a discipline, an art, a set of techniques,
or a technology. For now, suffice it to say that there is a large, reasonably
cohesive albeit somewhat eclectic body of knowledge underlying the practice
and on which most practitioners would agree — even if their application
of it does exhibit a high degree of variance.
To recapitulate, there are at least three basic definitions
of change management:
1. |
The task of managing change (from a reactive
or a proactive posture) |
2. |
An area of professional practice (with considerable variation
among practitioners) |
3. |
A body of knowledge (consisting of models, methods, techniques,
and other tools) |
Change Process as Problem Solving and Problem Finding
A very useful framework for thinking about the change process is problem
solving. Managing change is seen as a matter of moving from one state
to another, specifically, from the problem state to the solved state.
Diagnosis or problem analysis is generally acknowledged as essential.
Goals are set and achieved at various levels and in various areas or functions.
Ends and means are discussed and related to one another. Careful planning
is accompanied by efforts to obtain buy-in, support, and commitment. The
net effect is a transition from one state to another, in a planned, orderly
fashion. This is the planned change model.
The word “problem” carries with it connotations that some
people prefer to avoid. They choose instead to use the word “opportunity.”
For such people, a problem is seen as a bad situation, one that shouldn't’t
have been allowed to happen in the first place, and for which someone
is likely to be punished — if the guilty party (or a suitable scapegoat)
can be identified. For the purposes of this paper, we will set aside any
cultural or personal preferences regarding the use of “problem”
or “opportunity.” From a rational, analytical perspective,
a problem is nothing more than a situation requiring action but in which
the required action is not known. Hence, there is a requirement to search
for a solution, a course of action that will lead to the solved state.
This search activity is known as “problem solving.”
From the preceding, it follows that “problem finding” is the
search for situations requiring action. Whether we choose to call these
situations “problems” (because they are troublesome or spell
bad news), or whether we choose to call them “opportunities”
(either for reasons of political sensitivity or because the time is ripe
to exploit a situation) is immaterial. In both cases, the practical matter
is one of identifying and settling on a course of action that will bring
about some desired and predetermined change in the situation.
The Change Problem
At the heart of change management lies the change problem, that
is, some future state to be realized, some current state to be left behind,
and some structured, organized process for getting from the one to the
other. The change problem might be large or small in scope and scale,
and it might focus on individuals or groups, on one or more divisions
or departments, the entire organization, or one or on more aspects of
the organization’s environment.
At a conceptual level, the change problem is a matter of moving from one
state (A) to another state (A’). Moving from A to A’ is typically
accomplished as a result of setting up and achieving three types of goals:
transform, reduce, and apply. Transform goals
are concerned with identifying differences between the two states. Reduce
goals are concerned with determining ways of eliminating these differences.
Apply goals are concerned with putting into play operators
that actually effect the elimination of these differences (see Newell
& Simon).
As the preceding goal types suggest, the analysis of a change problem
will at various times focus on defining the outcomes of the change effort,
on identifying the changes necessary to produce these outcomes, and on
finding and implementing ways and means of making the required changes.
In simpler terms, the change problem can be treated as smaller problems
having to do with the how, what, and why of change.
Change as a “How”
The change problem is often expressed, at least initially, in the form
of a “how” question. How do we get people to be more open,
to assume more responsibility, to be more creative? How do we introduce
self-managed teams in Department W? How do we change over from System
X to System Y in Division Z? How do we move from a mainframe-centred computing
environment to one that accommodates and integrates PCs? How do we get
this organization to be more innovative, competitive, or productive? How
do we raise more effective barriers to market entry by our competitors?
How might we more tightly bind our suppliers to us? How do we reduce cycle
times? In short, the initial formulation of a change problem is means-centred,
with the goal state more or less implied. There is a reason why the
initial statement of a problem is so often means-centred and we will touch
on it later. For now, let’s examine the other two ways in which
the problem might be formulated — as “what” or as “why”
Change as a “What” Problem
As was pointed out in the preceding section, to frame the change effort
in the form of “how” questions is to focus the effort on means.
Diagnosis is assumed or not performed at all. Consequently, the ends sought
are not discussed. This might or might not be problematic. To focus on
ends requires the posing of “what” questions. What are we
trying to accomplish? What changes are necessary? What indicators will
signal success? What standards apply? What measures of performance are
we trying to affect?
Change as a “Why”
Ends and means are relative notions, not absolutes; that is, something
is an end or a means only in relation to something else. Thus, chains
and networks of ends-means relationships often have to be traced out before
one finds the “true” ends of a change effort. In this regard,
“why” questions prove extremely useful. Consider the following
hypothetical dialogue with yourself as an illustration of tracing out
ends-means relationships.
1. |
Why do people need to be more creative? |
2. |
I’ll tell you why! Because we have to change the way we do
things and we need ideas about how to do that. |
3. |
Why do we have to change the way we do things? |
4. |
Because they cost too much and take too long. |
5. |
Why do they cost too much? |
6. |
Because we pay higher wages than any of our competitors. |
7. |
Why do we pay higher wages than our competitors? |
8. |
Because our productivity used to be higher, too, but now it’s
not. |
9. |
Eureka! The true aim is to improve productivity! |
10. |
No it isn’t; keep going. |
11. |
Why does productivity need to be improved? |
12. |
To increase profits. |
13. |
Why do profits need to be increased? |
14. |
To improve earnings per share. |
15. |
Why do earnings per share need to be improved? |
16. |
To attract additional capital. |
17. |
Why is additional capital needed? |
18. |
We need to fund research aimed at developing the next generation
of products. |
19. |
Why do we need a new generation of products? |
20. |
Because our competitors are rolling them out faster than we are
and gobbling up market share. |
21. |
Oh, so that’s why we need to reduce cycle times. |
22. |
Hmm. Why do things take so long? |
To ask “why” questions is to get at the
ultimate purposes of functions and to open the door to finding new and
better ways of performing them. Why do we do what we do? Why do we do
it the way we do it? Asking “why” questions also gets at the
ultimate purposes of people, but that’s a different matter altogether,
a “political” matter, and one we’ll not go into in this
The Approach to Change
Management Mirrors Management's Mindset
The emphasis placed on the three types of questions just mentioned reflects
the management mindset, that is, the tendency to think along certain lines
depending on where one is situated in the organization. A person’s
placement in the organization typically defines the scope and scale of
the kinds of changes with which he or she will become involved, and the
nature of the changes with which he or she will be concerned. Thus, the
systems people tend to be concerned with technology and technological
developments, the marketing people with customer needs and competitive
activity, the legal people with legislative and other regulatory actions,
and so on. Also, the higher up a person is in the hierarchy, the longer
the time perspective and the wider-ranging the issues with which he or
she must be concerned.
For the most part, changes and the change problems they present are problems
of adaptation, that is, they require of the organization only that it
adjust to an ever-changing set of circumstances. But, either as a result
of continued, cumulative compounding of adaptive manoeuvres that were
nothing more than band-aids, or as the result of sudden changes so significant
as to call for a redefinition of the organization, there are times when
the changes that must be made are deep and far-reaching. At such times,
the design of the organization itself is called into question.
Organizations frequently survive the people who establish them. AT&T
and IBM are two ready examples. At some point it becomes the case that
such organizations have been designed by one group of people but are being
operated or run by another. (It has been said of the United States Navy,
for instance, that “It was designed by geniuses to be run by idiots.”)
Successful organizations resolve early on the issue of structure, that
is, the definition, placement and coordination of functions and people.
Other people then have to live with this design and these other people
are chiefly concerned with means.
Some organizations are designed to buffer their core operations from turbulence
in the environment. In such organizations all units fit into one of three
categories: core, buffer, and perimeter. In core units (e.g., systems
and operations), coordination is achieved through standardization, that
is, adherence to routine. In buffer units (e.g., upper management and
staff or support functions), coordination is achieved through planning.
In perimeter units (e.g., sales, marketing, and customer service), coordination
is achieved through mutual adjustment (see Thompson). People in core units,
buffered as they are from environmental turbulence and with a history
of relying on adherence to standardized procedures, typically focus on
“how” questions. People in buffer units, responsible for performance
through planning, often ask “what” questions. People in the
perimeter units are as accountable for performance as anyone else and
frequently for performance of a financial nature. They can be heard asking
“what” and “how” questions. “Why”
questions are generally asked by people with no direct responsibility
for day-to-day operations or results. The group most able to take this
long-term or strategic view is that cadre of senior executives responsible
for the continued well-being of the firm: top management. If the design
of the firm is to be called into question or, more significantly, if it
is actually to be altered, these are the people who must make the decision
to do so.
Finally, when organizational redefinition and redesign prove necessary,
all people in all units must concern themselves with all three sets of
questions or the changes made will not stand the test of time.
To summarize: Problems may be formulated in terms of “how,”
“what” and “why” questions. · Which formulation
is used depends on where in the organization the person posing the question
or formulating the problem is situated, and where the organization is
situated in its own life cycle.
1. |
“How” questions tend to cluster in core units. |
2. |
“What” questions tend to cluster in buffer units. |
3. |
People in perimeter units tend to ask “what” and “how”
questions. |
4. |
“Why” questions are typically the responsibility of
top management. |
5. |
In turbulent times, everyone must be concerned with everything.
and Process
Organizations are highly specialized systems and there are many different
schemes for grouping and classifying them. Some are said to be in the
retail business, others are in manufacturing, and still others confine
their activities to distribution. Some are profit-oriented and some are
not for profit. Some are in the public sector and some are in the private
sector. Some are members of the financial services industry, which encompasses
banking, insurance, and brokerage houses. Others belong to the automobile
industry, where they can be classified as original equipment manufacturers
(OEM) or after-market providers. Some belong to the health care industry,
as providers, as insureds, or as insurers. Many are regulated, some are
not. Some face stiff competition, some do not. Some are foreign-owned
and some are foreign-based. Some are corporations, some are partnerships,
and some are sole proprietorships. Some are publicly held and some are
privately held. Some have been around a long time and some are newcomers.
Some have been built up over the years while others have been pieced together
through mergers and acquisitions. No two are exactly alike.
The preceding paragraph points out that the problems found in organizations,
especially the change problems, have both a content and a process dimension.
It is one thing, for instance, to introduce a new claims processing system
in a functionally organized health insurer. It is quite another to introduce
a similar system in a health insurer that is organized along product lines
and market segments. It is yet a different thing altogether to introduce
a system of equal size and significance in an educational establishment
that relies on a matrix structure. The languages spoken differ. The values
differ. The cultures differ. And, at a detailed level, the problems differ.
However, the overall processes of change and change management remain
pretty much the same, and it is this fundamental similarity of the change
processes across organizations, industries, and structures that makes
change management a task, a process, and a practice.
The Change Process as “Unfreezing, Changing
and Refreezing”
The process of change has been characterized as having three basic stages:
unfreezing, changing, and re-freezing. This view draws heavily on Kurt
Lewin’s adoption of the systems concept of homeostasis or dynamic
What is useful about this framework is that it gives rise to thinking
about a staged approach to changing things. Looking before you leap is
usually sound practice.
What is not useful about this framework is that it does not allow
for change efforts that begin with the organization in extremis (i.e.,
already “unfrozen”), nor does it allow for organizations faced
with the prospect of having to “hang loose” for extended periods
of time (i.e., staying “unfrozen”).
In other words, the beginning and ending point of the unfreeze-change-refreeze
model is stability — which, for some people and some organizations,
is a luxury. For others, internal stability spells disaster. Even the
fastest of hares, if standing still, can be overtaken by a tortoise on
the move.
Change Management:
The Skill Requirements
Managing the kinds of changes encountered by and instituted within organizations
requires an unusually broad and finely-honed set of skills, chief among
which are the following.
• |
Political Skills |
Organizations are first and foremost social systems. Without people
there can be no organization. Lose sight of this fact and any would-be
change agent will likely lose his or her head. Organizations are hotly
and intensely political. And, as one wag pointed out, the lower the
stakes, the more intense the politics. Change agents dare not join
in this game but they had better understand it. This is one area where
you must make your own judgments and keep your own counsel; no one
can do it for you. |
• |
Analytical Skills |
Make no mistake about it, those who would be change agents had better
be very good at something, and that something better be analysis.
Guessing won’t do. Insight is nice, even useful, and sometimes
shines with brilliance, but it is darned difficult to sell and almost
impossible to defend. A lucid, rational, well-argued analysis can
be ignored and even suppressed, but not successfully contested and,
in most cases, will carry the day. If not, then the political issues
haven’t been adequately addressed.
Two particular sets of skills are very important here: workflow operations
or systems analysis, and financial analysis. Change agents must learn
to take apart and reassemble operations and systems in novel ways,
and then determine the financial and political impacts of what they
have done. Conversely, they must be able to start with some financial
measure or indicator or goal, and make their way quickly to those
operations and systems that, if reconfigured a certain way, would
have the desired financial impact. Those who master these two techniques
have learned a trade that will be in demand for the foreseeable future.
(This trade, by the way, has a name. It is called “Solution
Engineering.”) |
• |
People Skills |
As stated earlier, people are the sine qua non of organization.
Moreover, they come characterized by all manner of sizes, shapes,
colours, intelligence and ability levels, gender, sexual preferences,
national origins, first and second languages, religious beliefs, attitudes
toward life and work, personalities, and priorities — and these
are just a few of the dimensions along which people vary. We have
to deal with them all.
The skills most needed in this area are those that typically fall
under the heading of communication or interpersonal skills. To be
effective, we must be able to listen and listen actively, to restate,
to reflect, to clarify without interrogating, to draw out the speaker,
to lead or channel a discussion, to plant ideas, and to develop them.
All these and more are needed. Not all of us will have to learn Russian,
French, or Spanish, but most of us will have to learn to speak Systems,
Marketing, Manufacturing, Finance, Personnel, Legal, and a host of
other organizational dialects. More important, we have to learn to
see things through the eyes of these other inhabitants of the organizational
world. A situation viewed from a marketing frame of reference is an
entirely different situation when seen through the eyes of a systems
person. Part of the job of a change agent is to reconcile and resolve
the conflict between and among disparate (and sometimes desperate)
points of view. Charm is great if you have it. Courtesy is even better.
A well-paid compliment can buy gratitude. A sincere “Thank you”
can earn respect. |
• |
System Skills |
There’s much more to this than learning about computers,
although most people employed in today’s world of work do
need to learn about computer-based information systems. For now,
let’s just say that a system is an arrangement of resources
and routines intended to produce specified results. To organize
is to arrange. A system reflects organization and, by the same token,
an organization is a system.
A word processing operator and the word processing equipment operated
form a system. So do computers and the larger, information processing
systems in which computers are so often embedded. These are generally
known as “hard” systems. There are “soft”
systems as well: compensation systems, appraisal systems, promotion
systems, and reward and incentive systems.
There are two sets of systems skills to be mastered. The first is
the set most people associate with computers and it is exemplified
by “systems analysis.” This set of skills, by the way,
actually predates the computer and is known elsewhere (particularly
in the United States Air Force and the aerospace industry) as “systems
engineering.” For the most part, the kind of system with which
this skill set concerns itself is a “closed” system
which, for now, we can say is simply a mechanistic or contrived
system with no purpose of its own and incapable of altering its
own structure. In other words, it cannot learn and it cannot change
of its own volition. The second set of system skills is the set
associated with a body of knowledge generally referred to as General
Systems Theory (GST). This set deals with people, organizations,
industries, economies, and even nations as socio-technical systems
— as “open,” purposive systems, carrying out transactions
with other systems and bent on survival, continuance, prosperity,
dominance, plus a host of other goals and objectives. |
• |
Business Skills |
Simply put, you’d better understand how a business works.
In particular, you’d better understand how the business in which
and on which you’re working works. This entails an understanding
of money — where it comes from, where it goes, how to get it,
and how to keep it. It also calls into play knowledge of markets and
marketing, products and product development, customers, sales, selling,
buying, hiring, firing, EEO, AAP, and just about anything else you
might think of. |
Management: Four Basic Strategies
(see the Bennis, Benne and Chin reference)
Strategy |
Description |
Rational-Empirical |
People are rational and will follow their self-interest —
once it is revealed to them. Change is based on the communication
of information and the proffering of incentives. |
Normative-Reeducative |
People are social beings and will adhere to cultural norms and values.
Change is based on redefining and reinterpreting existing norms and
values, and developing commitments to new ones. |
Power-Coercive |
People are basically compliant and will generally do what they are
told or can be made to do. Change is based on the exercise of authority
and the imposition of sanctions. |
Environmental-Adaptive |
People oppose loss and disruption but they adapt readily to new
circumstances. Change is based on building a new organization and
gradually transferring people from the old one to the new one. |
Note: The fourth and last strategy above is not
one of those presented by Bennis, Benne and Chin. It is instead the product
of the author’s own experiences during some 30 years of making and
adapting to changes in, to, and on behalf of organizations. An excellent
example of this strategy in action, albeit on an accelerated basis, is
provided by the way in which Rupert Murdoch handled the printers of Fleet
Street. He quietly set about building an entirely new operation in Wapping,
some distance away. When it was ready to be occupied and made operational,
he informed the employees in the old operation that he had some bad news
and some good news. The bad news was that the existing operation was being
shut down. Everyone was being fired. The good news was that the new operation
had jobs for all of them—but on very different terms That there
are also elements of the rational-empirical and power-coercive strategies
at play here serves to make the point that successful change efforts inevitably
involve some mix of these basic change strategies, a point that is elaborated
on below.
in Selecting A Change Strategy
Generally speaking, there is no single change strategy. You can adopt
a general or what is called a "grand strategy" but, for any
given initiative, you are best served by some mix of strategies.
Which of the preceding strategies to use in your mix of strategies is
a decision affected by a number of factors. Some of the more important
ones follow.
1. |
Degree of Resistance |
Strong resistance argues for a coupling of power-coercive and environmental-adaptive
strategies. Weak resistance or concurrence argues for a combination
of rational-empirical and normative-reeducative strategies. |
2. |
Target Population |
Large populations argue for a mix of all four strategies, something
for everyone so to speak. |
3. |
The Stakes |
High stakes argue for a mix of all four strategies. When the stakes
are high, nothing can be left to chance. |
4. |
The Time Frame |
Short time frames argue for a power-coercive strategy. Longer
time frames argue for a mix of rational-empirical, normative-reeducative,
and environmental-adaptive strategies. |
5. |
Expertise |
Having available adequate expertise at making change argues for
some mix of the strategies outlined above. Not having it available
argues for reliance on the power-coercive strategy. |
6. |
Dependency |
This is a classic double-edged sword. If the organization is dependent
on its people, management's ability to command or demand is limited.
Conversely, if people are dependent upon the organization, their ability
to oppose or resist is limited. (Mutual dependency almost always signals
a requirement for some level of negotiation.) |
More Time: How do you manage change?
The honest answer is that you manage it pretty much the same way you’d
manage anything else of a turbulent, messy, chaotic nature, that is, you
don’t really manage it, you grapple with it. It’s more a matter
of leadership ability than management skill.
1. |
The first thing to do is jump in. You can’t do
anything about it from the outside. |
2. |
A clear sense of mission or purpose is essential. The simpler the
mission statement the better. “Kick ass in the marketplace”
is a whole lot more meaningful than “Respond to market needs
with a range of products and services that have been carefully designed
and developed to compare so favourably in our customers’ eyes
with the products and services offered by our competitors that the
majority of buying decisions will be made in our favour.” |
3. |
Build a team. “Lone wolves” have their uses, but managing
change isn’t one of them. On the other hand, the right kind
of lone wolf makes an excellent temporary team leader. |
4. |
Maintain a flat organizational team structure and rely on minimal
and informal reporting requirements. |
5. |
Pick people with relevant skills and high energy levels. You’ll
need both. |
6. |
Toss out the rule book. Change, by definition, calls for a configured
response, not adherence to prefigured routines. |
7. |
Shift to an action-feedback model. Plan and act in short intervals.
Do your analysis on the fly. No lengthy up-front studies, please.
Remember the hare and the tortoise. |
8. |
Set flexible priorities. You must have the ability to drop what
you’re doing and tend to something more important. |
9. |
Treat everything as a temporary measure. Don’t “lock
in” until the last minute, and then insist on the right to change
your mind. |
10. |
Ask for volunteers. You’ll be surprised at who shows up. You’ll
be pleasantly surprised by what they can do. |
11. |
Find a good “straw boss” or team leader and stay out
of his or her way. |
12. |
Give the team members whatever they ask for — except authority.
They’ll generally ask only for what they really need in the
way of resources. If they start asking for authority, that’s
a signal they’re headed toward some kind of power-based confrontation
and that spells trouble. Nip it in the bud! |
13. |
Concentrate dispersed knowledge. Start and maintain an issues logbook.
Let anyone go anywhere and talk to anyone about anything. Keep the
communications barriers low, widely spaced, and easily hurdled. Initially,
if things look chaotic, relax — they are. |
14. |
Remember, the task of change management is to bring order to a messy
situation, not pretend that it’s already well-organized and
disciplined. |
Selected Sources
The Planning of Change (2nd Edition).
Warren G. Bennis, Kenneth D. Benne, and Robert Chin (Eds). Holt, Rinehart
and Winston, New York: 1969.
Human Problem Solving. Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon. Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs: 1972.
Organizations in Action. James D. Thompson. McGraw-Hill, New
York: 1967.
Fred Nickols is a semi-retired consultant and executive whose specialty
is crafting and carrying out innovative approaches to improving individual
and organizational performance. Fred has had three careers: the United
States Navy (1955-1974), consulting (1974-1988) and executive management
(1990-2001). His many articles are available at www.skullworks.com.
He may be reached by e-mail at fred@nickols.us.
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