Single Minute Exchange of Die
- Changeover Reduction - Setup Reduction
Shigeo Shingo made a massive contribution to modern
manufacturing and was a genius right! Listen to this: A functional clamp
is an attachment device used to hold objects in place and nuts and bolts
are the normal method of fastening a clamp. Let's assume there are six
bolts each with a ten-turn thread, they are not tightened until the last
turn and are loosened with the first turn. So what the heck are the other
nine turns for (9 X 6 = 54 wasteful turns). That's why Shingo spent time
developing one-turn attachments and one-motion methods. I told you he
was a genius, just think how much more difficult it would be to assemble
flat-packed furniture without the observations he made all those years
ago. Oh by the way did I tell you he also developed Poka
Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) is a cornerstone of lean manufacturing
and can help to reduce setup time and improve productivity enabling smaller
batch sizes to be produced whilst reducing lead time.
Shingo's approach was to separate setup time into "internal"
and "external" activities. An internal activity is one that
can only be done with the machine stopped, an External activity is anything
that can be done before or after the set up without stopping the machine.
According to Shingo a simple approach to achieving a quick setup
and changeover of the dies could be achieved by:
• |
maximising external activities |
• |
converting internal activities to external where possible (I always
pre-heat the oven before I put my pizza in to save time) |
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Engineering or streamlining all remaining internal activities |
Massive gains have been achieved by using the SMED system
and this was clearly illustrated in 1982 at Toyota, when the die punch
set up time in the cold-forging process was reduced over a three-month
period from one hour and forty minutes to three minutes. Wow!
Impact of Dr Shigeo Shingo on Modern Manufacturing Practices
A really great (pdf) paper about Shingo and his work written by Dr. Stephen
B. Vareman...
"Must See" Presentations
Four superb Powerpoint™ Presentations on Quick Changeover (SMED),
5S, Lean / Kaizen and Mistake Proofing provided by Learning & Productivity
Pty Ltd who specialise in support resources for manufacturers in Australia
and New Zealand...
Some Simple Ideas For Setup Reduction
Long setup times are still a reality in many companies. Setup is one of
those activities that adds no value to a part and, therefore, needs to
be as short as possible. Excellent article discussing ways to reduce setup
time by Wayne S. Chaneski...
Reduction/Rapid Changeover
Setup reduction and fast, predictable setups enable Lean Manufacturing.
Setup reduction reduces setup cost, allows small lot production, smoothes
flow, and improves kanban. Some great resources to help you achieve setup
reduction and rapid changeover from Strategos, Inc...
Further reading |
A Revolution
in Manufacturing: The SMED System
Shigeo Shingo |
heart of JIT is quick changeover methods. Dr. Shingo, inventor of
the Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) system for Toyota, shows
you how to reduce your changeovers by an average of 98 percent!
By applying Shingo's techniques, you'll see rapid improvements (lead
time reduced from weeks to days, lower inventory and warehousing
costs) that will improve quality, productivity, and profits. The
book is a marvelous source of ideas and contains hundreds of illustrations
and photographs, as well as twelve in-depth case studies. A must
A great in depth review by Brad McEnroe
UK |
US |
revolution in manufacturing - the SMED system
This website provides some additional information on the SMED concept...
In Time, Toyota Production & Lean Manufacturing
A useful website for further research into the origins & history of
lean manufacturing...
The Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing was established in 1988
in honour of Shigeo Shingo. The Prize promotes world-class manufacturing
and recognizes companies that achieve superior customer satisfaction and
business results. The philosophy of the Shingo Prize is that world-class
business performance may be achieved through focused improvements in core
manufacturing and business processes...
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