The UK Business Excellence Award was launched in 1994 to recognise organisations
which have excelled when measured against The
Business Excellence Model which is used successfully throughout Europe
and beyond.
Recognised as the UK's top business awards, the Business Excellence Awards
identify and celebrate organisations which show the highest level of commitment
to improving their business performance, and increasing their competitiveness.
Winning the UK Business Excellence Award is one of the highest accolades
any organisation in the UK can achieve. To date there have been more than
200 applicants, with 50 organisations achieving finalist status and 20
Award winners. These organisations represent valuable role models through
which the British
Quality Foundation can identify best practice and promote competitiveness
in the UK.
There is considerable status attached to winning an Award. The high profile
promotion of an Award winner, together with the opportunity to use the
Award logo, confirms the organisation's position as one of the most successful
in the United Kingdom.
Each application is examined by a team of independent assessors, who are
experienced managers from leading UK organisations. The assessors conduct
a rigorous inspection of every aspect of an award applicant's operations,
before making their recommendation to an Awards Jury.
HRH The Princess Royal has been a special guest, and has presented the
Awards, at the Gala evening on many occasions.
"As Patron of the British Quality Foundation I am delighted at what
you are doing to improve the performance of UK industry, the public sector
and, of course, charities." HRH The Princess Royal
The Award application document involves the creation of a succinct description
of the organisation's activities, methods of operation and results. This
can also be valuable in promotion, training, and communication.
The Feedback Report, which is prepared by trained, independent assessor
teams, consisting of senior managers drawn from across a range of members.
The Report provides a list of strengths and areas for improvement for
each of the criteria addressed and also includes a detailed scoring profile.
Award winners can expect to benefit from the emergence of new customers,
new business opportunities and improved customer perceptions of goods
and services offered.
Heightened awareness of business excellence and a sharpened focus on improvement
Applying for the Award generates fresh motivation for improvement, provides
insight into world class practice and enables comparison with a wide range
of other organisations.
Experience in USA Shows large award winners experienced a 48% increase
in operating income and a 37% growth in sales when compared to non-award
Smaller award winners were also shown to have experienced
a 63% increase in operating income, and a 39% growth in sales when compared
to non-winners.
Impact of Business Excellence on Financial Performance
White paper from The British Quality Foundation (BQF) providing some hard
financial evidence on how the Business Excellence Model when implemented
effectively can dramatically improve financial performance...
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