I'm no expert on project management - just take a look
at this website. Perhaps if I had exercised a little PM before commencing
with the development it just might have been finished on time.
On that note I'll leave it to Project Management Guru Max
Wideman to provide the introduction:
"A successful project management process relies on two activities
– planning first, and then doing. These two sequential activities
form the basis of every project life-cycle, and can be expanded to suit
the control requirements of every type of project in every area of project
management application. The project life-cycle, characterized by a series
of ‘milestones’ determines when the project starts, the ‘control
gates’ through which it must pass, and when the project is finished."
Fundamentals of Project Management
Projects begin because a problem creates a need. In order to solve
the problem or fulfill the need, you need to formulate a measurable goal.
Once a goal is set, you can develop a strategy to meet it. A project is
the strategy to meet this goal...
Crump EnterpriseCM
The Fundamental
Principles of Project Management
Max Wideman provides answers to the question, What are the Fundamental
Principles of Project Management and how do these differ from Project
Management Practices...
of Gantt Charts
GanttChart.com (yes a website dedicated to Gantt charts) provide a brief
history as well as gantt 'buzz words' and examples...
Path Analysis & PERT Charts
Excellent example from Mind Tools on how to construct a Critical Path
Analysis Chart...
Path Method
Useful introduction to Network Analysis of Projects and CPM with a worked
Risk Management in Projects: 17
Steps to Success
Theoretically, every decision on a project should be subjected to
some form of risk analysis. However, to repeat a formal assessment is
impractical for all but significant project events and changes. In other
circumstances it is sufficient for the project manager to have a “risk
awareness” of any changes taking place. The effective management
of risk includes both this informal awareness and a structured approach...
Crump EnterpriseCM
One Hundred
Rules for NASA Project Managers
Compiled by Jerry Madden, Associate Director of the Flight Projects Directorate
at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Jerry collected these gems of wisdom
over a number of years from various unidentifiable sources...
Project Risk
This document covers the methodology and the logic underpinning the practical
management of risk in projects. It is designed as an aide memoire for
those people planning the risk management system...
Brendan McCarron Services
Further reading |
Project Management
for Dummies
Stanley Portny |
have been around since ancient times: Noah building the Ark, Leonardo
da Vinci painting the Mona Lisa, landing a man on the moon-all projects.
Over the past decade, the number of projects has exploded in the
workplace. Projects, from large to small, are the way companies
and organizations get work done. Project Management For Dummies
dispels the notion that projects are large, technically complex
undertakings that only MBA's can manage. This handy reference shows
readers everything from how to assemble the right team, to figuring
out a schedule, estimating needed resources, and managing the project
as it progresses. Also included are real-life project management
problems such as: how to get results when you have no direct authority
over participants, what to do when team members don't follow through,
how to handle differing departmental agendas, and how to balance
your regular work with additional project management/participation
UK |
US |
Project management Institute
Established in 1969 and headquartered outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
USA, the Project Management Institute (PMI) is the world’s leading
not-for-profit project management professional association, with over
95,000 members worldwide...
Project Manager Today
Project Manager Today is the UK's leading, longest established (started
in 1989), independent project management magazine...
Project Management Forum
The PMForum is a resource for information on international project management
affairs. The PMForum supports the development, international cooperation,
promotion and advancement of a professional and worldwide project management
Max's Project Management
Max Wideman's site is home to vast array of sage Project Management information
and resources...
4 PM's Project Management KnowledgeBase contains an extensive library
of papers and articles on all aspects of Project Management...
Project Management Portal including industry news, product updates and
reviews, event announcements, white papers, an online calendar, extensive
PM vendor directories, PM toolkits, as well as discussion forums and community
W Farthing Software project management links page
Dave's Project Management pages are housed on the University of Glamorgan
site and contain a wide-range of useful information...
The Ten Step Project
Management Process™
The site advocates a ten step approach to Project Management and provides
lots of useful resources including free PM template downloads...
Michael Greer's
Project management Resources
Michael is an independent Project Management consultant. His site
provides lots of useful articles and resources...
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