"Develop a passion for learning.
If you do, you will never cease to grow."
Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book
It was Peter Senge’s 1990 book The
Fifth Discipline that first popularised the concept of the ‘learning
organisation'. More than a decade later the conjecture as to what constitutes
a learning organisation continues and consensus on its definition has
still to be clearly established.
Senge's definition of a learning organisation:
"Learning organisations are organisations where people continually
expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new
and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration
is set free, and where people are continually learning to see the whole
The pages of the encyclopedia of informal education provide a fantastic
introduction to the thinkers
and concepts of a learning organisation.
Developing a Corporate Learning Strategy
What benefit does your organisation derive from training and development?
Do they contribute to key business objectives such as winning new business?
Does anyone actually know how much is being spent on them? Is anyone happy
with the methods used to evaluate outcomes? If all existing courses were
closed down would customers notice or care?
Colin Coulson-Thomas
to Improve performance
When it comes to interpersonal skills training, the challenge virtually
every organisation faces today is how to navigate among the new as well
as the existing training options and select the combination that will
improve employee performance, and, ultimately deliver business results...
Resourcing of training and Development
Outsourcing, or strategic resourcing, is becoming a widely used tool to
boost an organisations competitiveness. It is no longer a short-term measure
associated with downsizing. Instead, today's organisations view outsourcing
as part of a planned strategy that enables them to focus on what they
do best, while benefiting from outside expertise in areas that are not
their strengths...
The Knowledge Entrepreneur
Many management teams are missing exciting opportunities to transform
corporate performance by better exploiting know-how and using job support
tools to boost productivity. They are also forgoing unprecedented possibilities
for generating additional revenues from new knowledge-based offerings...
Colin Coulson-Thomas
Using Job Support Tools: To Improve Quality, Raise Productivity and Increase
Job support tools are designed to increase workgroup productivity and
corporate performance by helping people to do a better job. Devices such
as traffic lighting can be used to prevent people from progressing along
a course of action if data entered is incomplete or suggests a possible
risk. Colin Coulson-Thomas discusses how organisations are using job support
tools to improve their performance...
Colin Coulson-Thomas
Further reading |
Sixth Sense: Accelerating Organisational Learning with Scenarios
Kees Van der Heijden, Ron Bradfield, George Burt, George Cairns, George
This book helps managers move beyond the idea that the future
of business will resemble the past and allows them to use scenarios
to imagine multiple perspectives. The concepts of organizational realities,
experience, and beliefs are explored to encourage and embrace change
in business organizations for a successful future.
UK |
US |
The Fifth Discipline:
The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization
Peter M. Senge |
Senge, founder of the Centre for Organisational Learning at MIT's
Sloan School of Management, experienced an epiphany while meditating
one morning back in the fall of 1987. That was the day he first
saw the possibilities of a "learning organisation" that
used "systems thinking" as the primary tenet of a revolutionary
management philosophy. He advanced the concept into this primer,
originally released in 1990, written for those interested in integrating
his philosophy into their corporate culture.
The Fifth Discipline has turned many readers into true believers;
it remains the ideal introduction to Senge's carefully integrated
corporate framework, which is structured around "personal mastery",
"mental models", "shared vision", and "team
learning". Using ideas that originate in fields from science
to spirituality, Senge explains why the learning organisation matters,
provides an unvarnished summary of his management principals, offers
some basic tools for practising it, and shows what it's like to
operate under this system. The book's concepts remain stimulating
and relevant as ever.
UK |
US |
the Fifth Discipline: Learning Within the Unknowable
Robert L. Flood |
This text
presents an approach to management that has attained position on
the International Hall of Fame, and explains and critiques the ideas
in straight forward terms. The book aims to make fundamental improvements
to the core discipline of systemic thinking. It establishes crucial
developments in this area in the context of the learning organization,
including creativity and organizational transformation. It is therefore
a text for strategic planners, organizational change agents and
consultants. Key features of this work include a review and critique
of "The Fifth Discipline" and systemic thinking, and an
introduction to the gurus of systemic thinking - Senge, Bertalanffy,
Beer, Ackoff, Checkland and Churchman. The text also looks at ideas
for a redefinition of management through systemic thinking, a guide
to choosing, implementing and evaluating improvement strategies,
and information on practical animation. The author has implemented
systemic management in a wide range of organizations in many continents
and lectured by invitation in 25 countries, including Japan and
the USA.
UK |
US |
C.B. Handy |
This classic
text offers an illuminating discussion of key concepts of concern
to all managers: culture, motivation, leadership, power, role-playing
and working in groups. Ever mindful of actual business practice,
Handy directly addresses how managers can translate the six main
concepts into invaluable tools for effective management. He discusses
how all organizations need to select, develop and reward their people;
to structure and design their work; to resolve political conflicts;
to lay down guidelines for their managers; and to plan for the future.
In each case, the approaches and techniques described here are invaluable.
Equally important, Handy excels at presenting his ideas in colourful,
immediately accessible ways, filling the book with illuminating
examples and inventive metaphors that range from Tolstoy's ideas
on the concept of self, to the many meanings of "good morning,"
to the conversations that occur in a stopped elevator, to the proper
size for a vineyard or an elephant. He shows, for instance, how
an optical illusion experiment sheds light on interdepartmental
relations, and how the way schoolchildren are typecast by their
peers helps explain corporate hierarchies. And along with case studies,
graphs, charts, and questionnaires, Understanding Organizations
is peppered with boxed sections that offer advice and stimulate
thought, brimming with provocative quotations from business wizards
such as Peter Drucker, Tom Peters, Warren Bennis, Alvin Toffler,
and Rosabeth Moss Kanter, as well as from Aristotle, Shakespeare,
Gilbert and Sullivan, Gail Sheehy, and Joseph Heller.
UK |
US |
Learning To
Fly: Practical Lessons from One of the World's Leading Knowledge Companies
Chris Collison, Geoff Parcell |
is power. In corporate terms knowledge means efficiency, productivity
and ultimately profit, but too often it is not exploited to the
full. Learning to Fly shows how organisations can take the knowledge
within a company and turn it to a new advantage. It has been built
from the real-world experiences of authors Chris Collison and Geoff
Parcell during their time working for BP.
The book is divided into three parts. First the concept of knowledge
management is introduced--if you've not come across it before, this
section explains the principles. Part two describes how various
techniques can be applied in order to share knowledge. The theory
is fleshed out with real-world examples. Finally, part three takes
a look at how knowledge management can be embedded within an organisation's
everyday work rather than be simply applied as if an afterthought.
The goal is to achieve a situation in which sharing knowledge is
an everyday practice that does not need specialists to manage it.
To this end, "Action Zones" encourage the reader to think
about their own situation and ideas, and practical suggestions are
offered. Learning to Fly puts the theory in place in order to explain
how to use it in real-life working environments.
UK |
US |
Dialog on Learning Organizations
The site owned by Richard Karash is the home of the Learning-Org Discussion
Pages. Today's interesting discussions as well as archives from as far
back as September 1994...
Yogesh Malhotra's BRINT is the Mecca of Organizational Learning and
Knowledge Management. Stacked to the rafters with articles and resources...
Kai Larsen's web page includes a broad introduction to Learning Organizations
and systems thinking...
Organization Library
The Learning Organization library is just one section of the Free Management
Library lovingly prepared by Carter McNamara of Authenticity Consulting,
LLCA. The site houses one of the world's largest online library's about
organization development and change...
Different View of Organizational Learning
This paper written by Sue Gilly explores the concept of group learning
as a primer for organizational learning...
Society for Organizational
SoL was formed in April 1997 to continue the work of MIT's Center for
Organizational Learning (1991-1997). Peter Senge, author of the The Fifth
Discipline: the Art and Practice of the Learning Organization is the founding
Chairman of SoL...
Buckman Laboratories
Knowledge Nurture
Excellent resource for those who want to learn about knowledge management.
Their extensive library contains books, articles, journals, websites and
other references. It also includes related topics like culture change,
leadership, measurement and information technology...
Management Research Centre
If you are interested in Knowledge Management this website has to
be your first port of call. KMRC is the online arm of CIO Magazine and
has been online since 1995. The extensive resources includes free access
to all of the articles that have appeared in their print publication (back
to 1994)...
Management—Emerging Perspectives
Nothing flashy - just masses of excellent KM resources brought to you
by Gene Bellinger of OutSights...
Learning Organization - An International Journal
Subscribe to the highly respected journal, which aims to provide debates,
developments and new approaches, in order to gain a broader understanding
into the concept of the learning organization...
Learning, Knowledge Management and Learning Organizations
Barry Sugarman's pages provide excellent articles and useful links...
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