On this page we provide links to other relevant
web sites for your convenience. These links include public and
private associations and institutes from the food safety, quality
and packaging industries and many other organisations that you
may find useful. Please let us know if you have a complementary
web site that you would like us to consider for addition to the
industry links page. Contact: web@saferpak.com
Food & Food
Safety :: Glass
:: Government & Business ::
Metal :: Packaging
:: Paper :: Plastics
:: Printing :: Quality
:: Comedy
Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH)
The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health is an entirely independent
organisation representing the interests of the environmental health
profession. If offers a range of professional, educational and membership
services, as well as training courses, events and publications.
www.cieh.org |
Commission Food Contact Site
An essential resource for keeping up to date with food contact
developments and legislation. www.cpf.jrc.it/webpack |
A hi-quality food image library and food photographic studio. Purchase
mouth-watering images on-line or commission a studio shoot to your
Food and
Drug Administration (FDA)
The Food and Drug Administration is one of the USA's oldest
and most respected consumer protection agencies. FDA's mission is
to promote and protect the public health by helping safe and effective
products reach the market in a timely way, and monitoring products
for continued safety after they are in use. www.fda.gov
The FoodFen 'cluster' offers the opportunity for related businesses
to work together to concentrate on cost saving in many areas. The
FoodFen area covers around 1,200 square miles and consists of 3,900
farmers and 450 businesses. www.foodfen.org.uk |
The Food and Drink Federation's foodlink web site provides
a focus for communicating messages aimed at helping everyone understand
and carry out the basic precautions which they can take to reduce
the risk of suffering from food poisoning. www.foodlink.org.uk
Food Safety
Food Safety Magazine is a bimonthly publication dedicated to meeting
the information needs of food safety and quality assurance professionals
at food and beverage processors, foodservice companies, and agri-food
laboratories worldwide. www.foodsafetymagazine
Food Standards
Agency (FSA)
The Food Standards Agency is an independent food safety watchdog
set up by an Act of Parliament in 2000 to protect the public's health
and consumer interests in relation to food.
of Food Science & Technology (IFST)
IFST is the independent incorporated professional qualifying
body for food scientists and technologists, the website contains a
comprehensive library of articles on key food issues that are updated
regularly. www.ifst.org
Since March 1999, just-drinks.com has developed into one of the
most respected and fastest growing beverage trade sites around and
is the premier source of free industry information on the web.
Just Food
Since March 1999, just-food.com has developed into one of the most
respected and fastest growing food trade sites around and is the premier
source of free industry information on the web. www.just-food.com
Ireland Food and Drink Association Ltd. (NIFDA)
NIFDA is a voluntary organisation committed to helping Northern
Ireland food and beverage companies compete successfully and to represent
and promote their interests. It was established to provide services
to enhance, promote, inform, educate and develop member businesses.
Institute of Public Health (RIPH)
The Royal Institute of Public Health is an independent organisation
promoting public health and hygiene through education and training,
information, quality testing and policy development.
Food and
Drink Federation
The Food and Drink Federation is the voice of the UK food
and drink manufacturing industry. It helps members operate in an appropriately
regulated marketplace to maximise their competitiveness; and communicates
the industry's values and concerns to Government, regulators, consumers
and the media.
www.fdf.org.uk |
The Society
of Food Hygiene Technology (SOFHT)
The Society was established in 1979 by a group of professional
people who recognised the need for an organisation to cover the interests
and views of everyone involved in food hygiene in its widest application
throughout the food chain. www.sofht.co.uk
World Health
Organization (WHO)
The objective of WHO is the attainment by all people of the
highest possible level of health. Health, as defined in the WHO Constitution,
is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and
not merely the absence of disease of infirmity. www.who.int/en
Glass Manufacturers Confederation
Promotes the use of glass, including
its environmental advantages and provides a centre of technical
excellence and research dedicated to improving product quality and
manufacturing processes.
Includes the GlassOnline Club and the GlassOnline World
Yellow Pages along with dozen of others supporting services providing
up-to-date online information, news and data for all international
glass operators.
www.glassonline.com |
Glass On
A portal with news articles, business and product directory, and forum.
www.glassonweb.com |
Chamber of Commerce
A national network of quality-accredited Chambers of Commerce. Currently
over 135,000 businesses benefit from membership of Chambers in the
Accredited Network, from growth-oriented start-ups to local and regional
subsidiaries of multinational companies, in all commercial and industrial
sectors, and from all over the UK. www.britishchambers.org.uk
Retail Consortium
The BRC speaks for the retail industry by campaigning, networking
and disseminating information. The BRC has developed a range of ways
for the industry to improve its performance including standards /
benchmarking, research tools, information and publications and Skillsmart
- the retail sector skills council. www.brc.org.uk
An agency of the UK Government, The Small Business Service offers
advice and information from a network of local providers. www.businesslink.gov.uk
CBI Confederation
of British Industries
Since 1965, the CBI has been UK business' most powerful lobbying organisation.
The CBI is a vital source of expert advice and information, and a
forum for the generation of ideas, best practice exchange and high-powered
networking. www.cbi.org.uk
for the Environment and Rural Affairs
Defra's aims to create a better environment at home and internationally
and sustainable use of natural resources. www.defra.gov.uk |
DTI Department
of Trade and Industry
The Department of Trade and Industry is the Government department
with responsibility for increasing competitiveness and scientific
excellence. The DTI work with businesses, employees and consumers
to drive up UK productivity and competitiveness to deliver prosperity
for all. www.dti.gov.uk
The leading public body responsible for protecting and improving the
environment in England and Wales www.environment-agency.gov.uk |
Export Zone
- Country Profiles
Export Zone - Country Profiles, part of the British Chamber
of Commerce Export Zone, provides a comprehensive overview of every
country in the world and includes demographic, political, social and
financial overviews along with details of trade missions and essential
business contacts. www.link2exports.co.uk
and Safety Executive (HSE)
The UK Health and Safety Commission (HSC) and the Health and Safety
Executive (HSE) are responsible for the regulation of almost all the
risks to health and safety arising from work activity in Britain.
Their mission is to ensure that risks to people's health and
safety from work activities are properly controlled.
and safety regulation information - Business Link
Business Link provides practical help and easy access to health and
safety information including regulatory information and best practice
guidelines. |
HSE Direct
HSE Subscription service (£20 for a day pass) provides guidance,
forms, publications, approved codes of practice, EU directives and
other H&S information for download. www.hsedirect.com
HM Customs
and Excise
UK Customs & Excise is a Government department with responsibility
for collecting billions of pounds in revenue each year in VAT, other
taxes and customs duties. They also have a vital front-line role in
protecting our society from illegal imports of drugs, alcohol and
tobacco smuggling and tax fraud. www.hmce.gov.uk
HM Stationery
Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) delivers a wide range
of services to the public, information industry and government relating
to access and reuse of government information including legislation.
www.hmso.gov.uk |
Office of
Fair Trading
The organisation aims to protect consumers and explain their rights
and to ensure that businesses compete and operate fairly. You can
find essential information for businesses on how to comply with legislation
enforced by the OFT, check advice on consumer issues, follow the progress
of investigations and action taken, and download leaflets and reports.
Trade Association
TAF - The Gateway to UK Trade Associations and Business Sectors encourages
the development and sharing of best practice among UK trade associations.
Trade Partners
Fosters business competitiveness by helping UK firms secure overseas
sales and investments, and for attracting high quality foreign direct
investment to the UK. Trade Partners UK also offers independent, impartial
advice and support to existing exporters and those new to international
trade. www.tradepartners.gov.uk
TSO (The Stationery Office) is the UK's leading provider of information
management services. The place to go to but standards. www.tso.co.uk
United Kingdom
Accreditation Service (UKAS)
The United Kingdom Accreditation Service is the sole national
accreditation body recognised by government to assess, against internationally
agreed standards, organisations that provide certification, testing,
inspection and calibration services. www.ukas.com |
Aluminium Federation
The Aluminium Federation (ALFED) is the Trade Association which represents
the UK aluminium industry, from the primary sector through to the
end users and recycling sectors. ALFED has over 200 Member Companies
which are grouped into 12 Member Associations, representing a total
workforce of over 20,000 people. www.alfed.org.uk
British Aerosol Manufacturers
Association (BAMA)
The British Aerosol Manufacturers' Association (BAMA) is a trade association
that represents the interests of all sections of the aerosol industry,
from the suppliers of components and chemicals to fillers and marketers
of aerosol products. www.bama.co.uk
Metal Packaging Manufacturers
Association (MPMA)
The Metal Packaging Manufacturers Association represents the interests
of companies involved in the production of light metal containers,
closures and components. Member companies range from large international
organisations to small independent specialist manufacturers throughout
the United Kingdom and Ireland. www.mpma.org.uk
Steel Can Recycling Information
Learning resource dedicated to steel can recycling.
www.scrib.org |
The Can Makers
Represents the interests of drinks can manufacturers and
their raw material suppliers, multipack manufacturers and other
Tin Technology
Tin Technology is a membership-based organisation involved in research,
development, and marketing of tin based technologies. It is the world's
foremost authority on tin with access to more than 60 years experience
through its association with ITRI Ltd (formerly the International
Tin Research Institute). www.tintechnology.com |
Convertingloop is the information and e-business network
for the converting and package printing industry.
Industry Council for Packaging
& the Environment
INCPEN is a UK based non-profit organisation established in 1974 dedicated
to analysing the environmental and social effects of packaging, creating
a better understanding of the role of packaging and minimising the
environmental impact of packaging. www.incpen.org
Industry Packaging
Offers conferences, exhibitions, tradeshows to suppliers,
vendors and industry experts in the packaging industry. It is also
established as a forum to address issues and trends related to the
sector and related industries. www.idspackaging.com
Institute of Packaging
The Institute of Packaging, founded in 1947 is the only professional
education and training body for the UK packaging industry. www.iop.co.uk |
Institute of Packaging Professionals
The mission of the Institute of Packaging Professionals is to be the
leading individual membership organization serving the educational
needs of the packaging community in North America. www.iopp.org
National Packaging Council
Forum to discuss matters of interest to those involved in packaging
conversion and allied sectors. www.natpack.org.uk
The Packaging Federation
The Packaging Federationis the representative body of the UK packaging
manufacturing industry. Members include major manufacturers from all
sectors of the industry, including paper and board, plastics, metals,
and glass. The Federation actively promotes the industry, its economic
importance, the products it produces, the benefits to the community
deriving from packaging, and the industry's responsible concern for
the environment and the community as a whole. www.packagingfedn.co.uk
Pira International
Pira is a leading commercial consultancy business which specialises
in the packaging, paper, printing and publishing industries. Established
more than 75 years ago to carry out technical research for government
departments and leading industry participants, Pira is well known
for its authoritative technical expertise.
Think Packaging
Packaging Portal - online resource for packaging companies includes
products, services, news, features, events, employment, innovations,
auctions, education, associations and lots more.
British Carton Association
The British Carton Association (BCA) is the folding carton arm of
the British Printing Industries Federation, the business support organisation
for employers in the printing, packaging and graphic communications
industry. BCA membership represents 77% of the UK carton market.
www.britishprint.com/sigs/bcagroup.asp |
Corrugated Packaging
Association (CPA)
The Corrugated Packaging Association (CPA) are the representative
body for a £1.5 billion UK industry and exist to help anyone
with an interest in corrugated packaging.
Institute of Paper
The Institute of Paper is the professional body representing the
interests of individuals pursuing a career within the Paper Industry.
Established in 1992 the Institute of Paper set out with two main
objectives; the first to raise the standard of education and training
and provide people in the paper industry with a clearly defined
career path; the second, to provide a forum for like-minded individuals
to meet and discuss matters of mutual interest.
www.instpaper.org.uk |
The Paper Federation
of Great Britain
The Paper Federation of Great Britain is the trade association
for the paper industry representing large and small paper manufacturing
companies in the United Kingdom.
www.paper.org.uk |
Information & business exchange for the paper, printing &
converting industries.
Paper Industry Technical
Association (PITA)
A forum for the exchange of information and technology to
benefit its members in the pulp, paper, converting and allied trades.
British Plastics Federation
The British Plastics Federation (BPF) is the leading trade association
of the UK Plastics Industry (representing approximately 80% of turnover),
they exist to exploit common opportunities and resolve shared problems.
www.bpf.co.uk |
Packaging and Industrial
Films Association
Producers and converters of plastics films and products
www.pifa.co.uk |
Rapra Technology is Europe’s leading independent plastics and
rubber consultancy. Rapra provides comprehensive consultancy, technology
and information services for the polymer industry and industries using
plastics and rubber in any component, product or production process.
BCF British Coatings Federation
The British Coatings Federation (BCF) is the trade association for
the decorative, industrial and powder coatings and printing inks manufacturing
industry in the UK www.coatings.org.uk
The British Printing
Industry Federation
The BPIF is the principal business support organisation
for the UK printing, packaging and graphic communication industry
and is one of this country's leading trade associations.
British Used Printing Machinery
Suppliers Association (BUPMSA)
The British Used Printing Machinery Suppliers Association aims to
serve the UK used printing machinery dealer industry by promoting
a recognised code of ethics and accepted trading standards among member
companies, which are vetted to ensure they comply with the entry criteria.
www.bupmsa.org.uk |
Flexographic Technical Association (EFTA)
EFTA was founded in 1972 by a group of printers to act as the unified
voice of the flexo printing industry and to share information on new
developments in quality and technology. The association now
has over 400 members and has established an active programme of training,
seminars, conferences and exhibitions to further the needs of its
members. www.efta.co.uk
Institute of Printing and
Graphic Communication
The Institute of Printing is the professional institute representing
all facets of the graphic arts industry nationally and internationally.
The IOP is committed to improving the professional standing of the
graphic communications industry and works with all sectors including
the many supplier companies who extend so much support to the Institute,
who underwrite technical conferences and other activities, to achieve
this goal. www.instituteofprinting.org
National Printing Skills
The National Printing Skills Centre (NPSC) is an established centre
of excellence in training for pre-press, press and post-press areas.
Supported by prominent national and international companies through
sponsorship and always keeping pace with rapid technological changes,
the NPSC offers a unique service to meet all training requirements,
be it scheduled courses, tailor-made courses or consultancy work.
PGC NTO National Training
The National Training Organisation for the printing, graphic communication
and packaging sector in the United Kingdom. www.printnto.org
Sauven Marking
Sauven specialise in industrial equipment for ink jet printing cartons,
trays, bottles, plastic bags, foil food packages, cans and virtually
any product. They have the coding and marking solution for all industries
– food, beverage, pharmaceutical, electronic, chemical, automotive,
www.sauven-marking.co.uk |
American Productivity
APQC helps organizations adapt to rapidly changing environments,
build new and better ways to work, and succeed in a competitive
marketplace. APQC works with its member organizations to identify
best practices, discover effective methods of improvement, broadly
disseminate findings, and connect individuals with one another,
and the knowledge, training, and tools they need to succeed.
www.apqc.org |
American Society for Quality
The American Society for Quality, a professional association
headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, creates better workplaces
and communities worldwide by advancing learning, quality improvement,
and knowledge exchange. www.asq.org |
Standards Institute (BSI)
The world leader in standards and quality management services,
and owns the most famous of all product quality marks - the Kitemark.
British Quality Foundation
The British Quality Foundation is a not-for-profit membership
organisation that promotes business excellence to private, public
and voluntary sector organisations in the UK. There are currently
close to 1800 member organisations of all sizes who have joined
since the Foundation began in late 1993.
www.quality-foundation.co.uk |
European Foundation for
Quality Management (EFQM)
EFQM help European businesses make better products and
deliver improved services through the effective use of leading edge
management practices, principally the EFQM Excellence Model.
www.efqm.org |
European Organization
for Quality (EOQ)
EOQ contributes to the development of European Organizations
and enterprises through the application of quality and change management
concepts and techniques in their broadest sense. The end goal is
progress and development of European individuals and European Society
as a whole.
www.eoq.org |
Excellence Ireland
Excellence Ireland is the country's national body for quality
management and performance improvement. A not-for-profit organisation
financed by members, Excellence Ireland's goal is to enable Irish
businesses to improve their performance and competitiveness.
www.excellence-ireland.ie |
Institute of Quality
Assurance (IQA)
IQA is a major force in the pursuit of quality. It makes
a key contribution to businesses and public services both in the
UK and overseas. IQA exists to facilitate and promote the use of
quality to add value to organisations and enhance the standing of
quality professionals.
www.iqa.org |
International Organization
for Standardization (ISO)
ISO is the source of ISO 9000 and more than 13,700 International
Standards for business, government and society. ISO is a network
of national standards institutes from 145 countries working in partnership
with international organizations, governments, industry, business
and consumer representatives.
www.iso.ch |
International Register
for Certificated Auditors (IRCA)
Established in the early 1980s initially to register auditors
as part of the UK government's Quality initiative, IRCA quickly
became recognised outside the UK as an integral part of the structure
associated with ISO 9000 certification and is now accepted internationally
as the world's foremost body concerned with the certification of
auditors and auditor training courses.
International Quality
and Productivity Centre (IQPC)
The International Quality & Productivity Center (IQPC)
is dedicated to providing practical, detailed information through
conferences held at both the national and international level.
www.iqpc.co.uk |
Classic Comedy
Site run by Richard Bentine, son of former Goon Show star Michael
Bentine. Features downloadable classic TV comedy moments, including
sketches from Monty Python, The Goon Show, and Benny Hill. www.classiccomedy.net
Comedy Butchers
Tour the virtual city and seek the hidden comedy sketches. www.comedybutchers.com
Excellent US comedy site. www.comedyzine.com |
Rudiments of Wisdom
Tim Hunkin’s encyclopedia of life cartoons originally featured
in the Observer, intelligent and very funny. www.rudimentsofwisdom.com
The Framley Examiner
An authentic spoof newspaper. The Framley Examiner serves the people
of Framley, and the surrounding villages - out as far as Whoft to
the north and St Eyots to the north-east and Wripple to the north.
The Onion
Americas finest satirical news source, also check out the link to
The Onion A.V. Club a fantastic movie and music website in it’s
own right.
The Rockall Times
Hilarious UK satirical newspaper. www.rockalltimes.co.uk
The Whitehouse
The site describes itself as - The officious web site for the White
House and President George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United
States of America. www.whitehouse.org
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