Are leaders born or made?
Leadership skills are a valuable commodity.
Winston Churchill had them. Jack Welch has them - but what are they? And
have you got them? What qualities does a leader need to be successful
in the 21st century?
the Meaning of Leadership
What does it mean to be a leader in today's organisations where more and
more decisions are getting "pushed down;" where executives,
managers and supervisors are doing more "coaching" and less
"directing;" and where employees at every level are taking on
broader responsibilities?
A Checklist for Changing Me to Change Them
We can't build a team or organization that's different from us. We can't
make them into something we're not. Failing to follow this principle is
the single biggest reason that so many team and organization change and
improvement efforts flounder or fail. The changes and improvements we
try to make to others must ring true to the changes and improvements we're
also trying to make to ourselves. Jim Clemmer provides a checklist to
help us...
Jim Clemmer
Measures for Effective Leadership
Today's tight timeframe's and slim margins make it critical for leaders
to have measurement systems that generate timely, practical information
- information they can use to make decisions at internet speed...
from a Distance
To participate efficiently in today's economy, leaders must be effective
at managing technical and support teams whose members are scattered across
many geographic boundaries. This report presents research, best practice
and case studies for successful leading from a distance...
Leading through Change
If you want to keep colleagues motivated through change, constantly cheerlead
where your organisation is going, what it stands for and what is trying
to accomplish. Keep focused on the goal. Keep catching people doing things
right. Trust in the power of your people. They can live with and through
change if they have the power to work towards and achieve the goal...
Ken Blanchard
Creating a Compelling Vision
Are your people, and those with whom you deal, clear about what your organisation
is endeavouring to achieve? Colin Coulson-Thomas author of a new guide
to competing and winning reveals what leaders of the most successful companies
do differently when setting about the strategically important task of
visioning. A stretching, distinctive and compelling vision that paints
a picture of a future, desired and attainable state of affairs can engage
and motivate. A clear vision is of value internally and externally. Internally
it motivates people to achieve and focus their efforts, while externally
the vision should differentiate a company from its competitors.
Colin Coulson-Thomas
The Leader Evangelist
Today's Leader has to be an evangelist - no less of an evangelist than
Billy Graham. If you watch the on stage antics of Microsoft CEO Steve
Balmer, you know he's proselytising. He jumps around like Mick Jagger
at a Rolling Stones concert and builds so much energy in the crowd that
even die-hard Microsoft bashers become believers. His charisma is partly
responsible for the company's success. Have you delivered that kind of
energy to your teams, investors and clients? If not, here are some ideas
that can help you...
Goldsmith CEO Goldsmith Consulting
Top 20 Leadership Tools You Can Use
Barton Goldsmith provides his Top 20 best practices used by the most successful
leaders. Some of these are already in your toolkit, others you may have
forgotten. Keep this list handy as a reminder of time tested solutions
that will make you and your team shine...
Goldsmith CEO Goldsmith Consulting
Bridging the Credibility Gap
Too many managers have a giant credibility gap with the people they are
charged with managing. Credibility is based on perceptions of trustworthiness,
reliability and integrity. Yet, studies indicate that many employees just
don't believe or trust their organizational leaders. Read Jim's top tips
to help you develop credibility...
Jim Clemmer
Stop Whining and Start Leading
We all know people who suffer from "victimitis" -- the poor-little-me
syndrome whose verbal symptoms include: "They are doing it to me
again," "There's nothing I can do," "It's all their
fault." Indeed, many supervisors and middle managers agree that victimitis
is a big problem at work. Unfortunately, they don't recognize the extent
of their own infection...
Jim Clemmer
The Myth of the Born Leader
Contrary to the myth that only a lucky few can ever decipher the mystery
of leadership, our research has shown us that leadership is an observable,
learnable set of practices...it's a process ordinary people use when they're
bringing forth the best from themselves and others...
Jim Clemmer
Timeless Leadership Principles
While interviewing the legendary Jack Nicklaus, a reporter once remarked,
"Jack, you have had a spectacular career. Your name is synonymous
with the game of golf. You really know your way around the course. What
is your secret?" Nicklaus replied, "The holes are numbered!"
If only leadership were so easy...
Jim Clemmer
The Lost Art of Goal Achievement: Emotions
are the Key
After consulting for over three hundred companies and doing presentations
for a couple of thousand more, I have found that they all have one thing
in common. Businesses all over the world have had to face the fact that
goal setting is a lot easier than goal achieving...
Goldsmith CEO Goldsmith Consulting
Large-scale Change Through Leadership Coaching
The intricacy and speed of organizational life often force a company to
make large-scale changes rapidly. This in turn requires leaders to quickly
develop new leadership proficiencies and may require new attitudes and
leadership styles. Few leaders have the time or patience to sit through
leadership training courses, and training without orchestrated follow-up
has not proven to be the most effective way to change behaviour. How then
can organizations implement the kinds of large-scale change they need
to stay competitive in a rapidly changing market? For many companies who
face this common challenge, a significant part of the answer is leadership
Silverman Partners for Progress
Inside-Out Leadership
At the core of "inside-out" leadership are building blocks used
by some of America’s best run and most successful companies. They
include helping people get connected to their purpose and passion, sharing
the CEO’s vision and plan with all personnel, creating a company
culture that supports personal growth, maintaining a fun work environment
and helping people feel good about the company for which they work...
Goldsmith CEO Goldsmith Consulting
Further reading |
21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
John C. Maxwell
John C Maxwell distills everything he has learned about leadership
into a handful of life-changing principles. In The 21 Irrefutable
Laws of Leadership. He has combined insights from his thirty-plus
years of leadership successes and mistakes with observations from
the worlds of business, politics, sports, religion, and military conflict.
The result is a revealing study of leadership delivered as only a
communicator like Maxwell can.
UK |
US |
and the One Minute Manager
Kenneth Blanchard, et al |
and The One Minute Manager goes straight to the heart of management
as it describes the effective, adaptive styles of Situational Leadership.
In clear and simple terms it teaches how to become a flexible and
successful leader, fitting your style to the needs of the individual
and to the situation at hand, and using the One Minute Manager techniques
to enhance the motivation of others. "Situational Leadership
has been the cornerstone of our management training programme for
the last five years. Now the model is available to everyone through
this action-oriented book" MIKE ROSE, Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer, Holiday Inns Inc.
UK |
US |
Leading Change
John P. Kotter |
One of
the world's foremost experts on business leadership distills 25
years of experience and wisdom in this visionary guide to what it
will take to lead the organization of the 21st century. This work
provides advice for those confronting the challenge of leading organizational
change. It examines the efforts of over 100 companies to improve
their competitiveness. The most common mistakes made in attempting
to create change are identified, and a process outlined to overcome
UK |
US |
Executive Thinking:
The Dream, the Vision, the Mission Achieved
Leslie L. Kossoff |
The great
visionaries see things other don't--new routes to success, new ways
of enriching lives, new possibilities of what can be. Above all,
they know how to turn their dreams into reality and demonstrate
the power of Executive Thinking. Following the paths of such innovative
leaders as Federal Express, Disney, and Hewlett-Packard, Kossoff
offers a rich insider's view of what it takes to promote critical
thinking in every employee--at every level--and to make satisfaction,
creativity, and success standard features of the vanguard companies
of tomorrow.
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US |
Alpha Leadership
- Tools for Business Leaders Who Want More from Life
Anne Deering, Julian Russell, Robert Dilts |
How can
you be a successful leader, reduce stress and promote happiness
at a time when most people are struggling to make sense of the workplace,
the changing economy and a changing world? This 'how to' book has
arisen from the authors' extensive experience of leadership development
in the US and Europe. Their research shows that the successful leader
excels in three separate but related dimensions: Anticipate: detecting
and responding to 'weak signals' to 'get ahead of the curve' Align:
achieving congruence in your own values and desires and those of
others Act: making things happen Tools and frameworks are provided
so that the reader can apply what they have read to their own business
situation. Each chapter is self-sufficient, with its own set of
principles illustrTools for Business Leaders Who Want More From
Life. This text develops a new definition of leadership that, with
some very practical tools and approaches, can be readily applied
in our daily lives so that a sense of balance can be achieved. It
all boils down to the way work is managed and the way the organisations
within which we do it are led.
UK |
US |
See and hear recognised leaders sharing their knowledge, wisdom and strategies
on the world's foremost streaming video resource - For FREE...
of Leadership in Organizations
The Overview of Leadership in Organizations library is just one section
of the Free Management Library lovingly prepared by Carter McNamara of
Authenticity Consulting, LLCA. The site houses one of the world's largest
online library's about organization development and change...
to Leadership
These pages at the University of Edinburgh School of Engineering and Electronics
provide an overview of Leadership including the difference between Leadership
and Management, the purpose of Leadership, Leadership styles and practical
aspects of Leadership...
Development Planning
The Leadership Development Planning resource is another useful section
of Carter McNamara's immense Free Management Library...
Knowledge Base
Superb resource edited by Michael J freeman with hundreds of articles
on leadership and a wide-range of management topics...
Leader To Leader Institute
Formerly the Drucker Foundation, The Leader to Leader Institute provides
a wide-range of educational opportunities and resources to leaders...
Leader Values
Super website and one of the most popular leadership resources on the
'net. The site focuses on areas including leadership & value systems,
innovation, complexity, organizational change, with a unique Asian-Western
approach. Features include a unique and practical Leadership model, based
on the 4E’s of Envision, Empower, Enable and Energize. And you can
also try an online assessment of your leadership situation using the 4E's...
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