The Myth of the Born Leader
By Jim Clemmer
"Contrary to the myth that only a lucky few can ever decipher the
mystery of leadership, our research has shown us that leadership is an
observable, learnable set of practices...it's a process ordinary people
use when they're bringing forth the best from themselves and others. Liberate
the leader in everyone, and extraordinary things happen...good leadership
is an understandable and universal process." — James M. Kouzes
and Barry Z. Posner, The Leadership Challenge: How to Keep Getting Extraordinary
Things Done in Organizations
The final level of mastery is to make it look natural. That's
a key reason so many people believe achievement comes from winning the
gene pool – either you're born with it or you're not. A tiny number
of athletes, performers, artists, musician, or leaders succeed without
really trying. But the sad reverse is often even truer. We all know people
with tremendous natural talent who do very little with it. More common
are ordinary people with average talent who take it to extraordinary levels.
For example, Michael Jordan didn't have what it took to even make his
high school basketball team. But he did have the drive and determination
to eventually develop his skills to legendary levels of performance. Mark
Twain once said, "it usually takes me about three weeks to prepare
a good impromptu speech." We don't see the thousands of hours of
practice and study world-class performers put into their work. When we
do see the final performance, it looks so natural. They're so lucky we
It would be far more accurate for me to say, "I haven't chosen to
become a great performer, athlete, writer, musician..." That's perfectly
legitimate. The intensity and focus ordinary people need to become extraordinary
masters is way beyond the price most people are willing to pay for success.
It's much easier to surrender to the Victimitis Virus by saying to myself
"I am no good at speaking, writing, confronting issues, technology,
being on time..."
English historian, Edward Gibbon, once pointed out a funny thing about
"luck"; "the winds and the waves are always on the side
of the best navigators." Our development is our choice. Those accumulated
choices prepare us to take advantage of unexpected opportunities or weaken
our abilities and set us up to be victims of change. Our leadership development
choices raise us up or drag us down.
The ancient Greek orator, Demosthenes, provides an inspiring example of
choosing to become a leader. In order to rally Greek resistance to the
threat of a Macedonian conquest, he became a legendary speaker —
despite a major speech impediment. He overcame this natural limitation
by learning how to talk with pebbles in his mouth. He trained his voice
by reciting speeches and verses while running or climbing steep hills.
To force himself to stay inside to study and practice he shaved half his
head (how times have changed, today that would likely make him a celebrity).
Another great orator, the Roman statesman and philosopher, Cicero came
along about hundred years after Demosthenes. He provides leadership development
advice that applies as much today as it did in 50 BC. He listed "neglecting
development and refinement of the mind, and not acquiring the habit of
reading and study" as one of the six worst mistakes of humanity.
The nature versus nurture debate continues to rage in the field of leadership
development. It's easy to be confused by those fascinating and rare individuals
who are natural born leaders. It doesn't help when books and articles
on some of the more famous leaders gloss over their warts, personality
quirks, doubts, and problems in reaching their high levels of achievement.
Warren Bennis has studied hundreds of leaders in every field of human
achievement, written over twenty books, and is professor and founding
chair of the Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California.
He's concluded, "Biographies of great leaders sometimes read as if
they entered the world with an extraordinary genetic endowment, as if
their future leadership role was preordained. Do not believe it. The truth
is that major capacities and competencies of leadership can be learned
if the basic desire to learn them exists."
Excerpted from Jim's fourth bestseller, Growing
the Distance: Timeless Principles for Personal, Career, and Family
Success. View the book's unique format and content, Introduction
and Chapter One, and feedback showing why nearly 100,000 copies
are now in print at www.growingthedistance.com.
Jim's new companion book to Growing the Distance is The
Leader's Digest: Timeless Principles for Team and Organization Success.
Jim Clemmer is an internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, workshop/retreat
leader, and management team developer on leadership, change, customer
focus, culture, teams, and personal growth. His web site is www.clemmer.net.

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