ISO 9000 is the most commonly used international standard
that provides a framework for an effective quality management system.
In theory a QMS in accordance with ISO 9001:2000 should ensure consistency
and improvement of working practices, which in turn should provide products
and services that meet customer's requirements.
The Magical Demystifying Tour of ISO 9000 and ISO 14000
The International Standards for Organisation (ISO) provides an introduction
to both Standards. Excellent starting point for the novice and a useful
recap for the experienced...
ISO 9000:2000 Frequently Asked Questions
This list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) has been updated after
publication of the ISO 9000:2000 family of International Standards. Input
has been obtained from experts and users of the ISO 9000 standards, expressed
during seminars and presentations around the world...
9000:2000 Guidance and Support from ISO's Technical Committee
An excellent resource from ISO's Technical Committee providing guidance
and support to assist organizations make the transition to the new edition...
9001 Auditing Practices Group
The ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group provide over 20 free support papers
and presentations on auditing QMS’s to ISO 9001:2000. Visit the
website and download the documents...
The Changes in ISO 9001:2000 and the Implications
for Smaller Businesses
Jargon busting deconstruction of ISO 9001:2000. A great reference for
those embarking on the changeover to the new standard...
Mike Stone
Services Ltd
Processes Vs Procedures
The new standard uses the word ‘process’ very liberally, and
‘procedure’ very sparingly. So what is the right balance within
your quality management system (QMS)? And what part does process mapping
play in the development and improvement of the QMS?
The Internal Audit - make the most of it!
The internal (or first party) audit should be one of the most important
opportunities for an organisation to check the effectiveness and the delivery
capability of its management system. Unfortunately this opportunity is
generally not appreciated according to David Powley, of DNV Certification,
who offers an opinion on how to get better value from it...
David Powley
- DNV Certification
Using Quality Objectives to Drive Strategic Performance Improvement
ISO 9001:2000 requires that quality objectives be established at each
relevant function and level within the organization (i.e., just about
everywhere). The manner in which quality objectives are established and
managed will have an enormous impact on the organization's performance.
The quality objectives will either drive strategic improvements throughout
the organization, significantly elevating the importance of the quality
management system, or they'll simply become a meaningless exercise in
data collection. It all depends on how the task is carried out...
Ten Essential Audit Questions
All experienced auditors accumulate favorite audit questions, and I'm
no exception. I have a short, punchy list of queries I invariably ask
while evaluating a management system. Favorites aside, though, what are
truly the most important audit questions? What questions will reveal a
system's effectiveness and an organization's overall performance? I compiled
a list of the top 10...
A Practical Guide to Designing the Process Approach
The ‘process approach’ of ISO 9001: 2000 has caused a great
deal of consternation amongst many in the quality profession. It is understandable
that there should be some concern. The combination of a broad definition
of a process, the description of a ‘process model’ shown in
the standard, and a considerable volume of process theory generated from
every quarter has left many quality managers scratching their heads...
A Survey of SMEs and Their Attitudes towards the
Implementation of ISO 9001:2000
During August and September 2000, LRQA and SGS Yarsley sponsored a survey
by Leicester University. The purpose of the survey was to investigate
the potential impact that ISO 9001:2000 is likely to have upon small and
medium sized companies. These two organisations have kindly allowed the
data collected from the survey into the public domain and this article
reports on some of the more interesting findings...
Mike Stone
Services Ltd
ISO: from
the top
A new emphasis on senior management involvement is one of the most talked
about revisions to ISO 9000. Jim Wade, a Director of Advanced Training,
discusses what the new standard requires from the top and what the benefits
Jim Wade The Business
Improvement Network
9000 really a standard?
Promoting ISO 9000 as a standard or set of standards, is a prime cause
of some key problems with its implementation...
Jim Wade The Business
Improvement Network
Excellence! the
journey starts here
Jim Wade, director of Advanced Training, is no apologist for ISO 9000,
having seen many cases of QMS's which leave people demotivated and do
not help managers to manage quality. However, he argues that the standard
can still provide a sound base of excellence. The secret is in the principles
and management behaviours that they imply...
Jim Wade The Business
Improvement Network
Auditing is not solely about compliance
According to Tim O'Hanlon, auditors need to demonstrate their understanding
of business management by focusing on value adding auditing and not just
on raising insignificant non conformities. If the auditor is to be taken
seriously as a professional business person, the focus of his/her work
must be on issues that make a significant contribution towards product
conformity, the enhancement of customer satisfaction and the achievement
of financial and non financial results...
O'Hanlon Eurospan Developments Limited
All about Auditability
'Management systems are an exercise in bureaucracy
and burden without actually addressing risks and delivering performance'.
This quote, from a skeptical commentator, although a prejudiced generalisation
actually characterises a dilemma faced by many. How much system description
and documentation is needed to enable a management system to successfully
withstand a performance-based audit? David Powley, of DNV Certification,
offers context and advice to those who audit, implement and maintain management
systems for quality, environment and safety & health (QESH)...
David Powley
DNV Certification Ltd
Auditing - the most radical change of all?
Internal auditing can significantly improve staff competence and benefit
organisational performance. Those organisations, and quality managers
who take selection and training of audit staff seriously, will reap these
benefits. The effectiveness of your internal auditors is probably more
closely linked to organisation performance than you think...
Can QMS auditors learn anything from our financial
The scandals that have beset the US economy have shown auditing to be
a less than perfect practice. It seems the lure of repeat business, and
in some cases substantial consulting fees, has swayed many professional
auditors to blatantly ignore the obvious irregularities in company accounts.
Could we see the re-introduction of supplier audits, the proliferation
of customer specific specifications, and the eventual demise of the ISO9001
Is ISO 9001:2000 green and safe?
To put the question more sensibly, albeit soberly and verbosely, ‘To
what degree can a management system that is based on ISO 9001:2000 be
integrated or harmonised with those based on the standard ISO 14001:1996
(for environmental management) and the quasi-standard OHSAS 18001:1999
(for health & safety management)’? In this sense, is the 2000
version more appropriate than its 1994 predecessor?
David Powley
DNV Certification Ltd
Validating Performance Statement - Going Public
With Your Quality Management Successes
There are great possibilities for an organisation
in producing a quality performance statement. Registration to quality
management codes and standards have proved to be reliable in showing the
credentials of an organisation and can act as a general indicator (or
predictor) along the lines of that organisation being reliable when entering
into business transactions. Nevertheless an even more distinctive advantage
may be gained by providing reliable information on actual quality management
performance which is pertinent to the potential ‘buyer’
or any other relevant interested party...
David Powley
DNV Certification Ltd
Further reading |
ISO 9001:2000
for Small Businesses: A Guide to Cost-effective Compliance
Ray Tricker MSc IEng FIIE FinstM MIQA MIRSE |
A guide to the requirements of ISO 9001:2000 for small businesses.
It seeks to help the small business draw up a quality plan that
will allow them to meet the challenges of the market place. This
edition is revised and updated, and features more information on
quality control.
UK |
US |
The Case Against
ISO 9000: There Is a Better Way To: Improve Efficiency, Satisfy Your
Customers, Provide Real Quality, Increase Your Revenue!
John Seddon |
Sorry no
ISO 9000
is an international Standard. It claims to be a standard for quality
management but John Seddon argues it has nothing to do with quality,
being based on entirely different theory. Organizations register
to ISO 9000 because they are obliged to - market-place coercion
works on the principle of "you comply or we won't buy",
and registration is no guarantee of quality. In this attack on one
of the sacred cows of business today, John Seddon shows how the
ISO standards are not only failing to deliver the improved quality
they promise, but in most cases are actually damaging the companies
that have implemented them. In this updated paperback edition, which
includes a critical analysis of the new and much-hyped ISO 9000:2000
version of the Standard, Seddon maintains his position that managers
should say no to ISO 9000. For those who feel they have to register
to ISO, Seddon shows them how to avoid the usual pitfalls of the
Standard. |
UK |
US |
Quality Audits
for ISO 9001:2000: Making Compliance Value-Added
Tim O'Hanlon |
complete how-to guide will help auditors and organizations plan
for their internal or external audit. O’Hanlon himself is
a registered IRCA Lead Auditor and Lead Auditor trainer who teaches
you the previously undiscussed areas of the audit process. Additionally,
this book will show both auditors and auditees how to make your
audit a process that creates value for the organization, not just
a tool to ensure compliance. Internal, second- and third-party auditors
and auditees can use the numerous frequently asked questions to
prepare for the situations they will encounter during an actual
audit. |
UK |
US |
International Standards
Organisation (ISO)
The International Standards for Organisation (ISO). The source of ISO
9000 and more than 13,700 International Standards and a network of national
standards institutes from 145 countries...
TC/176/SC2 Home Page
ISO's Technical Committee no.176, Sub-committee no.2 (ISO/TC 176/SC 2)
is responsible for the development of the ISO 9001 and ISO 9004 International
Standards as well as other International Standards and documents in the
ISO 9000 Family...
ISO 9000:2000 Translated
into Plain English
A raft of information on ISO 9000:2000 from the Canadian Praxiom Research
Group Limited...

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