Our consultancy services assist clients in implementing and maintaining
food packaging safety systems to meet the requirements of the BRC
Global Standard - Food Packaging.
Hygiene Awareness Training Course
Our Hygiene Awareness Training Course has been designed specifically to
meet the hygiene training requirements of the food packaging industry.
Basic hygiene training and refresher hygiene training are requirements
of the industry and are specified in the BRC Global Standard - Food Packaging.
This course satisfies both and helps to gain the commitment of operators
to the Hygiene Management System.
Course target audience:
All organisations within the Food Packaging Industry: Managers,
sales personnel, office-based staff, warehouse and production staff.
Course duration:
2 to 2 1/2 hours according to your requirements
Course content:
- Hygiene Introduction
- Foreign Body Contamination
- Chemical Contamination
- Bacterial Contamination
- Personal Hygiene
- Cleaning
- Spot the Food Packaging Safety Hazards
- Quick Hygiene Quiz
In addition we are happy to incorporate your companies own process specific
hazards or areas that require attention.
The course concludes with a 'quick quiz' end test and all participants
are presented with an attendance certificate.
Course Location:
Arrangements are flexible and the training course can be organised for
any number of employees either at your own site or at a convenient local
venue of your choice.
Contact us today to
discuss your needs.
Consultancy Services |
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Gap Analysis
Comprehensive audit of your technical management system against
the requirements of the BRC Global Standard - Food Packaging and the
formulation of a concise action plan to close the gaps. |
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Systems Development
Development of bespoke systems including the writing of necessary
policies, procedures and documents to meet the requirements of the
BRC Global Standard - Food Packaging. |
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Hazard Analysis (HACCP) Development
Identification of food packaging safety hazards and the
development and implementation of effective control measures. Includes
creating and documenting the work into a simple Hazard Analysis
(HACCP) plan. |
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Independent Pre Evaluation Audit
Preparatory audit of your technical management system to
identify omissions prior to BRC Global Standard - Food Packaging certificate
evaluation. |
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Outsourced Internal Auditing
Manage and maintain your hygiene audit programme. |
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Outsourced Supplier Auditing
Manage and maintain your supplier audit programme or carry
out one-off audits for new supplier assessment and approval. |
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Interim Management
Provide experienced technical / quality managers for long
or short term assignments. |
All of our services are flexible and can be tailored to meet your needs.
Contact us today to
discuss your needs.

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