Service that WOWs Customers into Loyal Devotees
By Karl Walinskas
Not long ago, my wife and
I went to the eastern shore of Maryland for one last celebration for the
summer. We decided to treat ourselves to a stay at a relatively upscale
hotel with it’s own beach right on the bay front in Ocean City.
Our room had a view of the bay and, while it was pretty nice, it was obvious
that the $170 a night price tag was due to the location and that view.
Well, check-in was OK and the hotel staff seemed friendly
enough--so far so good. On the second evening, though, our problems began.
You see it was Labor Day weekend, and on our floor we just happened to
have some holiday partiers, or in layman’s terms—drunks. At
3 a.m. we awakened to loud screaming, slamming doors, and language that
would cause sailors in a pub to run for cover. On night number three it
was more of the same, this time with a fistfight thrown in for good measure.
I thought for a moment about stepping right outside our room door and
asking for quiet, but thought better of it and called security. That would
have been like getting between two leopards tussling over the same fallen
antelope to make sure each one got equal portions.
Now I knew that the behavior of these jerks was not
the fault of the hotel. They can’t control how people act. But I
had to complain to someone, and I did so early the next day. After three
trips to the front desk, I got to speak with a manager empowered to do
something to placate me, the upset customer. She did, and you know what,
I was satisfied…but I wasn’t WOWed.
Folks, today competition is too tough to simply satisfy
customers. If that’s all you do they’ll be in a state of perpetual
searching, searching for that perfect buying experience and relationship
that your business failed to give them. Here are ten steps to WOWing customers
and helping transcend them from a state of satisfaction to one of ultimate
loyalty, impervious to cheaper offers and external threats.
Oh sure, you listen, don’t you? You hear every word the customer
says—or do you. Listening means treating them like they want to
be treated, a la Tony Allesandra’s Platinum Rule. In my search for
a personal watercraft (jetski for land lubbers) I told the salesperson
I wanted a three-seater that didn’t go faster than 50 mph. He proceeded
to pitch me a two-seater that did 70, so fast it would “feather
my hair and clear my sinuses all at once.” Nice try, but no sale.
My business went to the competition down the street that provided what
I was looking for.
Be Proactive
If problems are lurking on the horizon, solve them before you’re
asked to. The hotel in Ocean City satisfied me when I complained (after
three tries); that’s good service. What would WOW service have been?
Well, if I managed that hotel, every room on the fourth floor (scene of
the nightly ruckus where police were called, so the hotel knew of the
problem) would have gotten flowers the next day with a hand-written apology
from the hotel for allowing the behavior of a few bad eggs to ruin their
day. I wouldn’t have waited to see what patrons complained.
Here’s a good example. I purchased a signed copy
of Evander Holyfield’s autobiography from QVC a few years ago. I
read it and I wasn’t complaining. QVC discovered that all the signatures
weren’t authentic, some were electronically created, and so they
sent out a replacement copy with original signature and a postage paid
envelope for me to return the old copy. They included a personalized note
heavy on apologies for the screw-up. I was WOWed.
Solicit Feedback
Ask customers what they think of your business and how they would make
it better. Encourage them to use a suggestion form and, even better, reward
customer suggestions that you use by sending them giveaways or discounts
(hmmm, sounds a lot like an employee suggestion program). You’re
showing a desire to partner with the customer and then proving how much
you value her opinion. People like to be asked for their opinion if it
is believable that you really value it. Loyalty builds.
Contact Repeatedly
Once someone purchases from your business, that person should be in your
database and contacted repeatedly over time unless he asks you to stop.
If the contact is right, that won’t happen. Send coupons, deals
for past customers only, and items of interest specific to that customer.
For instance, if you own a ladies clothing store and you just got in a
fancy red handbag collection, you might want to contact all of the ladies
who purchased red shoes in the last two years and let them know this might
be a match. You, of course, are advanced in your data mining and can track
the type of items each customer purchased, right?
Own the Experience
Your customers want a buying experience that is pleasant to them. That
means that as soon as they enter your store, or your website, or wherever
you do business, you are responsible for what happens. The hotel didn’t
cause those idiots on the fourth floor to get sloppy drunk and make fools
of themselves, but since that bad behavior detracted from the customer
experience, it was the hotel’s responsibility. Someone trips your
on the curb in front of your store, it’s your job to go help that
person up, and not because you fear a lawsuit! Take ownership, and surprise
customers into unconscious loyalty.
Protect the Customer
Who do you protect him from? Many times, himself. The best story I can
think of comes from fabled sales trainer Zig Ziglar, who told the story
of a bicycle shop owner who refused to sell a bicycle to a grandmother,
a lady demanding to be sold to, because the bike she wanted for her grandson
might prove dangerous to the child. His legs were too short and his feet
couldn’t reach the pedals. Even though in this story the grandma
left in a huff, most people will appreciate that kind of integrity. Imagine
the impact on the people in the store who witnessed this non-transaction
not take place. For you this might mean (OMIGOD!) pointing out a comparable
special to a customer waiting to buy an item in your store. The long term
effects of your action will more than outweigh the short-term gain of
a few extra bucks, trust me.
Empower Subordinates
Look, time is of the essence to the customer. The one thing I hate more
than anything is when I am overcharged by twenty-seven cents (or some
other trivial problem) and the clerk has to go find the store manager
to refund my money. That is zero empowerment, and it not only wastes my
time but also makes me feel like a schmuck for even bringing the mistake
up. At the Ocean City hotel, the reason I had to go back to the front
desk three times is because the managers were not empowered to do anything
about my situation. I had to wait for the general manager to come in.
Continually Add Value
When a customer buys the suede upholstery, ask them, without a hard sell,
if they have considered a method of cleaning and caring for the material.
You have a kit that will do the job if she’s interested. When the
customer who buys the PC has a confused look on his face, you write down
instructions and a diagram of how to set it up when he gets home, even
though that information might be contained in the box. “Wait a second,
Karl, no one else would do that kind of thing!” Now you’re
getting it.
Anticipate Unmet Needs
Similar to number 2, this is where you empathize with the customer, putting
yourself in her shoes, and ask the question, “What would make this
customer experience perfect?” Let’s go back to the hotel.
When we checked-in we asked for the available room with the best view
of the bay. There were several available that might have qualified, so
the clerk tried something on the fifth floor, telling us to come back
to the desk if it wasn’t suitable. Good, but not WOW. Suppose the
bellman would have entered the room with us when we arrived and went to
the balcony. He would have immediately seen that this view was a lot further
from the waterline than anyone thought, and offered to move our stuff
to one of the closer, more available units. WOW! We did move, but on our
own accord. Yawn.
Reward Customer Loyalty
Customers who come back, who refer others to you, should be rewarded.
For most businesses, that means discounting merchandise, coupons, points
clubs, etc. Instead, many businesses focus on luring new customers and
forget about those who are already onboard, assuming those folks are loyal
for life. I left my last health club because the new member plan was half
of what I was paying, a loyal customer for three years. When I questioned
it I got the all-too-familiar, “That’s company policy.”
Karl’s policy was to find another gym.
Here’s a big watch out. Be careful that your reward
of a loyal customer isn’t perceived as having little value. For
instance, the hotel at the shore compensated me for my trouble by giving
me a free weekend (2 nights). Great, right, and it’s a typical response
in the hospitality industry for about a quarter of the hotels. Problem:
the fine print said the days had to be used between November and April
1. This is a beach hotel in Maryland folks. November to April is cold
and deserted at the shore. There was no way that any hotel would be even
half sold out, so from the hotel’s perspective this reward amounted
to two nights of maid service on an otherwise empty room. If you are going
to reward people for loyalty, don’t put conditions on it.
There are other steps from other authors about
customer loyalty, a hot topic right now for any industry. Follow the ten
steps in this article, and you will go a long way toward turning fickle
consumers into loyal, raving advocates of your business who will buy from
you and refer others to you again and again.
Karl Walinskas is an expert at organizational
communications; a Chief Operating Officer, speaker and freelance writer
in Pennsylvania who helps businesses and individuals who want to communicate
more effectively through his company, The
Speaking Connection |

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