Focussing on Creating Value
By JoAnna Brandi
What would happen if you stopped TRYING to make money? If, for one whole
year you didn't think about creating profit. If, for that year you took
your focus off what was dropping to the bottom line? Do you think your
business would fall apart? Do you think your profits would naturally drop?
Well, that depends.
It depends on where you put the focus when you take it
off of making profit.
If you shifted your focus from creating profit to Creating Value odds
are that you would create more profit then you are creating now (and even
more over time.) A radical notion? Not really. Companies that create value
for customers, employees, community, and investors, create, as a result
of creating value, above average profits for themselves. For after all,
what is it that your customers are buying from you, if not value? Just
think about how your business might be different if you put all your energy
into creating value??
It's more challenging then ever to do business and create profit. Overall
costs have increased, especially that of acquiring new customers. To compound
matters, many companies lose 20% or more of their new customers within
twelve months of getting them. They slip out the back door long before
you have broken even on the cost of getting them in the front. Could attrition
of customers be one of your highest costs?
B-T-B Customers prefer to remain loyal if we continue to exceed their
needs for value. There's the rub - what is value?
Today's educated, demanding customers insist on quality, price, performance,
speed, convenience and service - the particular combination of which they
call value. Value is often an elusive, ever-moving target. What constitutes
value today changes tomorrow. The customer measures value by what's important
to them. For me, convenience, speed and knowledgeable, friendly people
are often higher on my list of priorities then price.
The more sophisticated a customer becomes, the more confidence they have
in their own ability to make a choice about suppliers. In some cases they
have learned that one choice is pretty much the same thing as another.
When a company doesn't distinguish or differentiate themselves (with added
value) from the competition, price often becomes the deciding factor.
When the customer doesn't need us to help her make a choice, because we
look just like the competition, she often moves lower price higher on
her list of priorities of what constitutes value for her - today. Take
a look at what is happening with telephone services today. It has become
mostly a price battle - none of the carriers seems to be offering a package
of value that stands heads above the others, so they have to compete on
If you want your company to be around long into the next century I suggest
one of these two strategies - streamline your operations to the bone and
offer the lowest price around and guarantee it - or - create and add value
to every aspect of everything you do. More than ever before, creating
value for your customers is the very foundation of success.
When creating value, not creating profit, is the central operating system
permeating every aspect of your company, interesting things happen, only
one of which is higher then average profitability. Companies that consistently
create value keep more of their customers. An increase of only 5% in retention
rates can increase profitability anywhere from 25% to over 100%! (Rates
vary due to differences in fixed costs).
High perceived value correlates directly to a high share of market. Loyal
customers buy more, make referrals (saving you acquisition and sales costs)
are easier, and quicker to deal with. And they have one more important
role - happy customers instill a sense of pride and accomplishment in
your work force. While a positive, enthusiastic workforce is a key ingredient
in customer happiness - it works the other way too. When customers love
doing business with you - and are rarely disgruntled - it does wonders
for the staff!
So what would happen if you took your focus off of cost cutting and profit
making? It depends on where you put the focus. If you focus all your energy
into creating value for all of the stakeholders in your business a funny
thing will happen. Without you watching it, quite so carefully, your bottom
line will grow.
JoAnna Brandi, known as "The Customer Care Lady",
is the Founder of JoAnna Brandi & Company, Inc. (formerly Working
Relationships, Inc.) which began as a Customer Care company committed
to helping companies build better relationships with their customers
through the strategic use of marketing, consulting, research and training.
Today Ms. Brandi spends most of her time motivating audiences to take
better care of their customers and employees. For more information
email: joanna@customerretention.com
or visit www.customerretention.com |

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