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ISO 22000 - Food Safety Management Standard ISO 22000 - Food Safety Management Standard

Comparison of ISO22000:200X and the BRC Global Standard - Food Packaging
By John Surak

Type of standard
ISO has several types of standards one type are auditable standards; these standards are developed in a manner that all elements are applicable (unless stated otherwise (exclusions)) and must be implemented. In addition ISO also develops guidance standards. These standards can be used by organizations to provide an interpretation of the auditable standard. For example ISO 9001:2000 is an auditable standard whereas ISO 9000:2000 and ISO 9004:2000 are guidance standards that are used to interpret ISO 9001:2000.

ISO 22000:200x will be a guidance standard describing the requirements of a food safety management system, it will also be an auditable standard and can be used for certification and registration. The scope of the standard will be food safety. Food quality issues are to be addressed using ISO 9001:2000. It appears that the BRC Global Standard - Food Packaging does not completely separate the food safety issues and the quality issues. In addition it appears that the Standard combines both requirements and interpretation of the requirements.

Detail of the standard
ISO 22000:200x appears to be less prescriptive than the BRC Global Standard - Food Packaging, in that it does not address in detail the Good Manufacturing Programs (GMPs), (Good Hygiene Programs) or prerequisite programs.

Structure of the standards
ISO 22000:200x will be compliant with ISO Guide 72. ISO Guide 72 is a standard that describes the structure of management system standards this will ensure that the ISO standard has a parallel structure to ISO 9001:2000. It appears that the structure of the BRC Global Standard - Food Packaging is similar to ISO 9001:1994.

The two standards appear to have different scopes. ISO 22000:200x is intended to be used by organizations throughout the food chain, while the BRC Global Standard - Food Packaging is intended to be used by food packaging organizations.

We asked John whether he believes ISO 22000:200x will replace the BRC Global Standard - Food Packaging?

It is hard to predict the future. I would expect that as an auditable standard or a standard that can be used for registration / certification the answer will be yes. However, there may be a need in the UK food industry to have a standard that could provide more guidance to the food packaging companies on the interpretation of the GMP or prerequisite programs. With regard to industrial sectors, I do not expect to see it subdivided within the food chain. I do not know if there will be the development of any guidance standards.


SaferPak Summary

ISO 22000:200X will be:

- International
- Applicable to the entire food chain
- Auditable and can be used for certification and registration
- Structured / aligned with the 8 clauses of ISO 9000:2000
- Require the implementation of relevant industry GMP's, Standards and prerequisite measures e.g. the BRC Global Standard - Food Packaging (to put the meat on the bones).

Well what does it all mean and will organisations certified to the BRC Global Standard - Food Packaging?

Without the aid of a crystal ball it is difficult to say, as we don't know at this early stage what the requirements of ISO 22000:200X will be. On the face of it does make good 'systems sense' for the structure to be aligned with ISO 9001:2000.

Food industry organisations that trade solely within the UK may never be required to achieve certification to ISO 22000:200X, on the other hand global suppliers of packaging may well start receiving requests from customers towards the end of 2005.

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