Getting it Together: Integrating Customer Focus,
Involvement, and Horizontal Management
By Jim Clemmer
If we don't change our direction we are likely to end up where
we're headed.
In today's "Nanosecond" culture, successful organizations
are doing what was once considered impossible. They are increasing customer
satisfaction, shortening process cycles and response times, reducing costs,
and developing innovative new products and services -- all at the
same time.
Not long ago, organizations could succeed by excelling at one or two of
these areas. But the corporate landscape is now littered with the once
mighty victims of this obsolete thinking. Today's winners are capitalizing
on the changes and challenges facing all organizations by being better
and faster and cheaper and newer then their less nimble competitors.
Pointed In The Wrong Direction
Transforming a traditional organization to one that's better, faster,
cheaper, and newer is extremely difficult. That's because organizations
have built powerful cultures, systems, and practices that are now pointed
in the wrong direction. This misdirection can be found across three key
-- most decisions about
products, services, and organization direction are inside out. Product
and service development specialists, technical experts, managers, planners,
and other professionals spend most of their time inside the organization
pushing products and services out to the market.
Too often the needs of the organization are put ahead of those people
it's trying to "serve". As John McDonnell, Chairman and CEO
of McDonnell Douglas put it, "we did not always listen to what the
customer had to say before telling him what he wanted". This we-know-best
approach is now finding many long time leaders out of sync with their
markets. The ratings (and revenues) of many mighty corporations are plummeting.
Their "loyal" (once treated as captive) customers find products
and services that better reflect their changing perceptions of value.
-- individual departments
work to optimize their own internal efficiency. Goals, objectives, measurements,
and career paths move up and down within the narrow, functional "chimney
walls". Functional managers and their employees focus on doing their
own jobs or segment of the production, delivery, or support process.
Functionally managed organizations typically reduce service/quality levels
while increasing cycle times and costs by; 1) fostering an "us-versus-them"
approach to communications and fighting for organizational resources,
2) leaving unmanaged gaps between departments which disrupt cross-functional
work processes, 3) making improvements or changes in one department which
hurts the effectiveness of other departments in the process, and, 4) losing
sight of customer-supplier relationships and meeting everyone's needs.
Since the 1950s, Toyota has worked tirelessly to reduce the walls and
gaps between department. By the 1970s, their manufacturing methods became
widely known throughout Japan as the "Toyota Production Methods".
In the early 1980s, their highly successful practices migrated to North
America as Just-In-Time manufacturing. Stressing the importance of managing
across organizational boundaries, a Toyota executive said, "It is
not enough to manage the affairs within your own division. One of the
most important functions of a division manager is to improve coordination
between his own division and other divisions. It you cannot handle this
task, please go work for an American company".
-- management's needs,
goals, and perspectives are the starting point for all activities. Managers
and their staff professionals are the brains and employees are the hands.
Employees serve their managerial masters and do as they are told. Broad
business perspectives and strategies, operational performance data, problem
solving and decision making authority, and cross-functional skills are
kept by management.
But the world is now moving too fast to maintain this archaic "command
and control" approach that puts management at the center of the universe.
Managers can no longer know enough, fast enough, about enough things,
enough of the time to anticipate enough of the changes that are needed
to improve the organization enough to become better and faster and cheaper
and newer enough.
Partial Improvement Patches and Pieces
Recognizing the urgent need to quickly reverse direction, many organizations
are implementing a variety of improvement programs and process. These
-- many training and motivational
programs, as well as structural changes aim to move daily problem solving,
decision making, customer satisfaction, and productivity improvement responsibilities
closer to the front lines.
-- a rapidly growing employee involvement
trend uses departmental, problem solving, cross-functional, project, process
improvement, planning and coordinating, and self-directed workteams in
many combinations and configurations.
-- increasingly organizations
are identifying key customer groups, clarifying and ranking their expectations,
working to realign the organization's systems customer around those expectations,
and training employees to deal with customers more effectively.
-- data-based
tools and techniques, flowcharting, and other "mapping" approaches
improve processes at micro or departmental levels. In other cases, processes
are radically reengineered across vertical departments at macro or strategic
-- many executives
recognize the need for massive improvements in skill levels throughout
their organizations. This is leading to major increases in technical,
personal communications and effectiveness, team (leaders and members),
data-based tools and techniques, process improvement and management, and
coaching skill development.
-- investments in factory automation,
information systems, voice and data communication systems, inventory control
systems, and so on are growing rapidly as companies push for higher productivity,
faster response times, and improved service/quality.
Many of the above efforts are piecemeal or implemented in isolation. For
example, training and development, customer service, technology, and process
reengineering are often implemented by separate departments with little
or no joint planning and coordination. As a result, products or services
are either better or faster or cheaper or newer, but rarely all four.
That leads to a weakened competitive position. And cynicism for subsequent
change programs grows throughout the organization.
Total Quality Management (TQM) is one management approach that can successfully
integrate all of the above improvement efforts. But very few organizations
are implementing truly total quality management. Most so-called TQM efforts
are really PQM -- Partial Quality Management. That's why many studies
now show that 50-70 percent of what are called TQM efforts are dying or
dead. The good news is that 30-50 percent of TQM implementations (those
that are truly total) are dramatically increasing customer satisfaction,
shortening process cycles and response times, reducing costs and strengthening
innovation. Although it's very tough to do, it can clearly be done.
The Labels Rarely Describe The Contents
The TQM/PQM problem is hardly unique. Most labels describing a number
of organization change and improvement efforts have become meaningless.
For example, when an executive talks about building a team-based organization,
he or she may mean instilling a "teaminess" attitude. Or this
might mean using temporary task forces to solve problems. Possibly the
executive envisions filling their organization with employee improvement
teams (similar to quality circles). Or he or she may want to develop self-directed
workteams with no direct supervision. Some times "Reengineering"
describes layoffs or traditional "slash and burn" cost cutting
exercises. In other cases, reengineering means a change to the organization's
structure. Sometimes it means installing new information technology systems.
Or reengineering could be a radical revamping of the macro, strategic
processes that establish how most work and customer interactions flow
across the organization.
Successful change and improvement initiatives are integrated or "whole"
rather then partial and piecemeal. They flow from the organization's basic
reason for being, values, vision of the future, and strategies. The effort
is intertwined with the organization's operating goals, systems, and measurements.
These changes and improvements aren't programs bolted on the side of the
organization. These approaches are tightly intertwined and connected to
management systems, daily practices, and behavior.
As he continues a long string of successes in building "the new GE",
CEO Jack Welch observed, "The winners will be those who can develop
a culture that allows them to move faster, communicate more clearly, and
involve everyone in a focused effort to serve every more demanding customers".
At Multifoods, the international food processing giant (brands include
Robin Hood and Bicks), Human Resource vice president, Bob Maddocks finds
that "the improvement process isn't separate from good leadership
and management practices". He adds, "We want everyone involved
in operating the company, focusing on customers, and improving our processes
and systems. It's got to become a way of life for all of us".
Whatever labels are used, a "wholistic" or systems approach
to change and improvement means reversing the inward focus, management-centredness,
and vertical management found in most organizations.
Reversing Direction
TO |
Products and services are pushed out to the market
Management and internal professionals "know best"
Performance measurements are top down and aimed at maximizing internal
Products and services are pulled through the organization
"Naive listening" keeps everyone tuned to changing
Rigorous measurements are based on customers' perceptions of value |
Departments are narrowly accountable for the results of their individual
Departmental walls cause work and customers to "fall between
the cracks"
Management intuition and hunches drive decision making and resource
Managers are accountable for understanding and managing core
strategic processes that flow across departments
Customer needs drive the key work processes that are managed across
Rigorous data and analysis help clarify systemic cause-and-effect
relationships |
Management's needs come first in a "command and control"
Employees serve management
Information is hoarded
Managers become "servant leaders" to a team-based organization
Employees serve internal and external customers
Information is widely shared |
For most organizations, these are not minor course corrections.
Each of these three key areas demands changing direction by a full 180
Besides changing direction in any one of these key areas individually,
there is an ever more pressing need to integrate all three as an organization-wide
system. This can be either an area-by-area evolution or a broad scale
simultaneous implementation. For example, an organization might start
by focusing on customers, begin managing processes with basic teams, then
move toward shared leadership and self-directed teams. Or the change effort
may begin by involving employees through teams, focus on customers, and
then move to incorporate process management.
An executive at a US-based telecommunications equipment manufacturer illustrates
how these areas can evolve and merge, "We hit the cultural change
wall because people didn't want to do the behavioral stuff (skill building,
dealing with conflict, changing habits and practices). People didn't want
to do that because it hurt too much. That got real ugly. So we said, 'we're
not going to do that behavioral stuff. Instead we're going to do process
improvement work.' And, after beating our heads against the process wall
for a few months, some people found out that they're really not separate
and distinct. You can't do one without the other. And, oh by the way,
the only way that is going to work is to have teams. So, we're starting
to break through the barrier of linking all of those pieces that were
originally perceived to be separate. We're really breaking through the
barrier and recognizing that this is all interconnected."
However the transformation is begun and whatever it's called, effective
long-term change and improvement efforts integrate all three of the key
areas. Only through an integrated systems approach to customer service,
process management, and employee involvement can organizations become
industry leaders who are clearly better and faster and cheaper and newer
than their competitors.
Jim Clemmer is a bestselling author and internationally
acclaimed keynote speaker, workshop/retreat leader, and management
team developer on leadership, change, customer focus, culture, teams,
and personal growth. During the last 25 years he has delivered over
two thousand customized keynote presentations, workshops, and retreats.
Jim's five international bestselling books include The VIP Strategy,
on All Cylinders, Pathways
to Performance, Growing
the Distance, and The
Leader's Digest. His web site is www.clemmer.net.

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