Process Management Pathways and Pitfalls
By Jim Clemmer
Call it the Principle of Bumbling Bureaucracy — when left on their
own, processes naturally turn inward to serve management and departmental
needs rather than the organization's key customers and partners. Improve
processes from the outside in. Draw a customer-partner chain to get very
clear about just who the process should really be serving (customers and
partners, not bureaucrats or management) and what the desired outcome
is. Next determine the customers' most important measures of the process
and how well it's performing. Use this performance gap data to establish
breakthrough goals and/or continuous improvement targets.
The broader and more comprehensive the process you're attempting to improve,
the more senior management needs to be directly involved. Strategic processes
(those few core or macro processes that span your organization) need a
hands-on executive owner. He or she is the champion of that process and
accountable to improving it across its many vertical or functional chimneys.
Major reengineering efforts demand huge blocks of key senior managers'
time and attention.
Give lots of time and attention to the diagnosis stage of process management.
There's a huge amount of learning to be done here. If a process has never
been diagrammed or "blueprinted", no one really knows who and
what's all involved. The bigger (and ironically more important) the process,
the truer that is.
Most of these cross-functional processes were never designed in the first
place (how can you reengineer something that was never engineered to begin
with?) Rather, they're a haphazard collection of personal steps, old habits,
cultural holdovers, and local procedures. Most of the pieces exist in
somebody's head and have never been mapped out and standardized. That's
why there's so much variation, unpredictability, misunderstanding, errors
and rework as one group hands off their part of the process to the next
Make sure everyone involved in outlining, managing, diagnosing, and improving
the process are well trained. Managers and improvement teams need to know
how to collect, analyze, and act on data so that decision making is based
on facts and an accurate picture of what's really going on. Ensure that
team leaders and members have strong interpersonal skills. These include
facilitating successful meetings, managing conflict, confronting issues,
team leadership, being a team player, and so on.
Make sure that managers and improvement teams involved in process management
are operating in a data rich environment. Process management depends heavily
on data and analysis to gather reliable information about the scope of
a process, how it's performing (measurement), and what customers/partners
expect of it. This data should be highly visual (lots of diagrams, charts,
and graphs) and broadly available so everyone can see the big picture.
Data-based tools and techniques include Cause-and-Effect Diagrams, Flowcharts,
Check Sheets, Pareto Charts, Histograms, Scatter Diagrams, Affinity Charts,
Tree Diagrams, and the like.
Most managers underestimate how much time, attention, and support process
improvement teams need. Unguided process improvement teams can be detrimental
to your organization's performance. They busily set about improving things
that don't matter, make changes that unknowingly make things worse somewhere
else in the organization, or just squander precious organization time
and resources. If your management team can't give improvement teams the
support they need, reduce their numbers to a level that you can support.
If you're not sure what that level of support is, ask.
Choose processes you're going to radically reengineer very carefully.
The changes will be highly disruptive and tie up huge amounts of time
and resources. Make sure you're leveraging those major investments in
processes that will have a significant, strategic impact on your organization's
Make sure all your process improvement activities are clearly and tightly
linked to your strategic imperatives. Each effort should also have highly
focused and specific improvement goals (that are an aggressive, major
stretch) and measurements. Establish feedback and follow up steps for
each process management and improvement team.
Keep everyone educated and updated on all your process improvement activities.
Make it all as transparent and widely available as possible. Reduce apathy
and resistance by increasing your education and communication efforts.
Don't let specialists and consultants do theoretical reengineering in
isolation and then launch it into the organization. A national retailer
hired high priced consultants to reengineer their logistics (ordering,
warehousing, shipping, and invoicing) process. The new process made sense
on paper, but those who had to make it work felt cast aside. Since they
didn't own the new approach, it wasn't too hard to "demonstrate"
that the consultants' process didn't work.
Reengineering is becoming the new mantra for frustrated strategic planners
who are putting this new label on their old ineffective approach. Elite
groups of senior managers, hands-off staff people, technology specialists,
and assorted experts study, analyze, and plan major changes. With more
focus on theoretical planning than implementation, they go for big breakthroughs
with radical organization changes and major investments in sophisticated
Getting wide scale involvement in mapping out and dramatically improving
(or developing a consensus to radically redesign) the existing process
is seen as too slow and not bold enough. But those theoretical changes
generally prove to be impractical in the real world. And those who aren't
involved in planning the battle can be counted on to battle the plan.
This elitist, expert, planning-driven approach rarely works.
Don't develop your own internal, home made version of process management.
We've seen too many poorly designed attempts at process management. Designing
your own makes about as much sense today as trying to manufacture your
own computer system or write your own software programs. Like information
technology, the management science of process management has come a long
way in a few short years. It's become an extensive field onto itself (hundreds
of books are now available on various aspects of the expanding topic).
A multitude of well-researched and designed process management training
packages and consulting services is available. However, like an information
technology system, process management packages and services do need to
be tailored to your unique needs. And you need to develop the internal
expertise to support and continue evolving your process management technology
with your consulting firm's help.
Successful process management demands prioritization, organization, discipline,
and a systematic approach. How's yours? You can't build a team or organization
that's different than you are. Undisciplined and disorganized managers
can't build disciplined and organized teams.
Process management is an invaluable part of disciplined management systems
and using technology effectively. Reengineering and incremental process
improvements can have such a profound impact on organizations that many
managers focus almost exclusively on these powerful tools and techniques.
But experience clearly shows that if process management isn't well integrated
within a larger improvement effort, it will eventually wither and quite
likely die. That bigger picture includes Context and Focus (vision, values,
and purpose), pinpointing customer/partner performance gaps, exploring,
searching, and creating new markets and customers, innovation and organizational
learning, establishing goals and priorities, and extensive Improvement
Jim Clemmer is a bestselling author and internationally
acclaimed keynote speaker, workshop/retreat leader, and management
team developer on leadership, change, customer focus, culture, teams,
and personal growth. During the last 25 years he has delivered over
two thousand customized keynote presentations, workshops, and retreats.
Jim's five international bestselling books include The VIP Strategy,
on All Cylinders, Pathways
to Performance, Growing
the Distance, and The
Leader's Digest. His web site is www.clemmer.net.

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