Towards a global cyber institute – Part
By Allan J. Sayle, President Allan Sayle
How were the BAMs built, why did membership grow?
Their profession’s practitioners founded the BAMs. The rise
in membership of such bodies as the ASQ and IQA came not as a result of
the efforts of HQ staff but as a consequence of the efforts and achievements
of ordinary members, leaders of the profession and through business circumstances.
Global challenges, which involved the successful use of “quality”
as a key business strategy by Japanese and German firms, raised the profession’s
profile in the last four decades. It was the accomplishments of firms’
dedicated employees that demonstrated what was possible. Their achievements
got management attention and support. They are the people who created
and contributed to quality’s body of knowledge. They contributed
their time, knowledge and materials to others needing help. In fact, far
more material was disseminated using conventional post, telephone calls
and telexes (remember them?) than by the house magazines. And, major publications
written by Joseph Juran and Armand Feigenbaum, among others, produced
outside of the BAMs provided a wealth of good advice and tools. But, the
practitioners also lent their time to build the quality institutes etc.
by writing articles, delivering speeches at division, branch and section
meetings and, in some cases, attending committee meetings. They also paid
the dues that paid the salaries of the servants – headquarters staff.
They delivered training courses for those bodies, in some cases for little
if any remuneration. They raise the funds to try to enhance the facilitation
of knowledge, mentioned above. Much of those funds went to paying for
increasingly expensive HQ staff and facilities.
Those people also wrote the quality standards. They took time to review
submissions and drafts. HQ people were more like publicity agents, printers
and distributors of those peoples’ activities and achievements.
Very few HQ people actually contributed to the content of those standards:
some merely sat on the committees enjoying the kudos and expenses paid
trips to the meetings.
HQ expenses
Quality practitioners built their employers quality departments, they
encouraged (or coerced) their suppliers to improve quality and or adopt
ISO 9000 (rightly or wrongly). The numbers of quality professionals and
practitioners exploded as a result. All the HQ people had to do was sit
back and collect the resulting revenues from dues, from conferences, sales
of books and training materials created by those members. They were engaged
in secretarial and bureaucratic tasks aimed at the same goals: facilitating
the development and exchange of knowledge. Since an army of volunteers
did the heavy lifting, it was Tom Sawyer work indeed. The money rolled
in. But, where did it all go? That question is clearly disturbing a lot
of people.
A recent posting on the Elsmar Cove revealed the ASQ has been “running
a deficit” – a silly euphemism for losing (or squandering?)
money - members’ money – for several years. A few weeks earlier
another post revealed someone (no prizes) at ASQ HQ earns about $343000
p.a. and the top 5 aggregate over $1 million.
One cannot argue against paying for results and achievement. Considering,
however, the squeeze being experienced by ordinary members who face downsizing,
outsourcing and in most cases pay raises lower than inflation, the salaries
paid are inappropriate given also the dissatisfaction so obvious from
dwindling membership numbers and chat room comments about the service
received. Ever more employers are refusing to reimburse members the dues
that are typically in excess of $100. (In the case of Britain’s
IQA, at today’s exchange rate annual fellowship dues exceed $200
and it only has about 12000 members.) Add to that the magnitude of levies
for various cash cow certificates (certified auditor and so forth) the
load on an employer’s exchequer is clearly excessive, especially
when the firm has perhaps many quality people within its ranks. So, ever
more members must fork over an increasing part of their income, discretionary
expenditure and probably wonder what are the benefits? Why should not
such a person wonder if HQ is just a self-serving, self-absorbed bureaucracy?
Why should they not wonder how they spend their time?
As I write this article, I have just received an email from Frank Steer,
Director General of Britain’s IQA, a man I have never met, with
whom I never exchanged business cards, promoting a book he has written.
The book is about military, not quality, matters and the email has been
sent directly from the IQA. It seems Mr. Steer used IQA facilities, its
email list and time to promote his own products. Considering the appalling
loss of membership during his period of tenure and the fact that his remuneration,
I understand, is in excess of $150000 p.a., one can reasonably wonder
where lie his priorities and where also is the IQA’s council (a.k.a.
its “board of directors”) in preventing this misuse of IQA
resources and its supposedly confidential members details (i.e. email
While many of us in the quality movement strive to develop and support
our profession, it does seem as if we are the ones out in all weathers
and times of day and night, building the windmill in George Orwell’s
famous book. Except that those now seated at the farmer’s table
never were original residents of the farm while some committee members
certainly were.
Until now, the various national quality institutions have enjoyed a virtual
monopoly in their countries in that there is only one ASQ and one IQA
etc. Competition is healthy and a cyber institute could provide precisely
that. As all appreciate, competition tends to raise quality, lower prices.
It is my belief the high level of fees deters many from joining our institutions.
That is unhealthy.
What must be the new membership?
BAMs are national bodies. They lack the global view and constituency.
As the world’s economy expands and value chains encircle the world,
so too should the membership of professional institutions. Present day
“international chapters” and branches of BAMs cannot hope
to be as effective as the internet-based professional community. The reach,
the speed, the depth of knowledge is so much greater in the latter and
far more easily tapped. International professional opinion can be gauged
within a matter of minutes or hours. International norms and standards
can be speedily discussed, agreed and harmonized. And, an agreed set of
criteria for someone wishing a title, such as member, fellow, associate
or companion can be used so that, rather as people understand what compliance
with an ISO standard means (I will not cite 9000 or be drawn into that
quagmire involving registration efficacy at this juncture): Member of
the International Quality Society (or whatever title) infers the individual
has met or exceeded prescribed requirements, an outline suggestion for
which is offered in Part 2 of this article.
But, it would also be a place where establishment appointees, political
drones and professional committee types could not prevail. Just because
a person happens to have a title in a major or famous firm, or is the
quality manager of a government organization or nationalized company that
would be insufficient for acceding to the highest levels of a cyber institute.
are professional bodies for?

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