Successful Failures
By Jim Clemmer
"To double your success rate, double your failure
Tom Watson, Sr., founder of IBM
In a small pub in the highlands of Scotland a group of fishermen gathered
one afternoon to swap tales over a round of ale. One of them stretched
his arms apart to show the big one that got away. At that very point,
a waitress walked past carrying a tray of full ale glasses. The fisherman's
wild gestures sent the tray smashing against the wall. The dark brew splashed
on the white wall of the pub and began running down. The waitress and
the fisherman tried to wipe the mess off the wall, but it had left an
ugly dark stain. A man who had watched the whole scene from another table
walked quietly over to the wall. With a brown pastel crayon he took from
his pocket, he began to sketch. The entire pub watched in silent awe as
a majestic stag with great spreading antlers magically took shape around
the stain. The artist was Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, the top 19th British
painter of animals.
Many discoveries and breakthroughs are made by accident. The history of
innovation is a long list of failures that eventually led to bigger successes.
The list includes products like Post-It-Notes, Pyrex cookware, Jello,
Popsicles, the Walkman, Lifesavers, Coca Cola, Silly Putty, Kleenex, Levi
jeans, Band-Aids, Corn Flakes, and runs on into the thousands. Accidental
innovations and unplanned applications happen every day. Few of them ever
amount to anything productive and useful. The inventors and companies
that are able to capitalize on their "happy accidents" are those
that are the most flexible and responsive to the unexpected opportunities
before them. In Self Help, Samuel Smiles writes, "we often discover
what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never
made a mistake never made a discovery."
Classified ad: "Parachute for sale. Only used once, never opened,
small stain." When it comes to sky diving, if at first I don't succeed
— my worries are over. Few learning experiences are that deadly.
However, learning impaired people treat many new experiences as if they
were. Fear of failure is a huge killer of innovation and learning. In
Measure for Measure, William Shakespeare penned, "our doubts are
traitors; And make us lose the good we oft might win; By fearing to attempt."
If I am going to continue growing and developing, I have got to embrace
the idea of trying something and failing. That will take me much further
than doing nothing and succeeding. Life doesn't come with any guarantees.
Nothing is certain. There is no such thing as a sure thing. By taking
few chances and not trying something new I will reduce my risk of failure.
I will also reduce my chances of success. The British writer, Katherine
Mansfield, implores us, "Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the
opinion of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for
you. Act for yourself."
"According to the theory of aerodynamics, as may be readily demonstrated
through wind tunnel experiments, the bumblebee is unable to fly. This
is because the size, weight, and shape of his body in relation to the
total wingspread make flying impossible. But the bumblebee, being ignorant
of those scientific truths goes ahead and flies anyway — and makes
a little honey every day." I came across this poster hanging in a
manufacturing plant years ago. It's a favorite because it captures another
key characteristic of learning leaders; they refuse to be trapped by "conventional
wisdom" or what others say is or isn't possible.
Highly effective leaders go against the odds — or just ignore them.
It's a characteristic that the legendary inventor, Charles Kettering,
called "intelligent ignorance." Among his many teachings about
innovation, he provides this useful perspective on growing and developing,
"research...is nothing but a state of mind — a friendly, welcoming
attitude toward change; going out to look for change instead of waiting
for it to come. Research, for practical people, is an effort to do things
better ...the research state of mind can apply to anything — personal
affairs or any kind of business, big or little."
One of The CLEMMER Group's four core values is "High Growth and Development."
Here's how we express our expectations of each other and the people we
consider adding to our team:
"We are insatiable learners on a steep continuous personal growth
curve. We have a good balance of active and reflective learning. Active
learning comes from exploring, searching, creating, and experimenting.
Reflective learning comes from taking time out of daily operational pressures
to review how well our personal, team, and organization improvement activities
are working and to plan further changes. We are avid readers, researchers,
and students in the fields of organization improvement, leadership development,
and personal effectiveness."
"We are highly innovative and very agile. We set short-term plans,
but use strategic opportunism as we learn our way to new products and
services. Our journey of discovery means we always have an abundance of
trials, pilots, and experiments underway in our restless search for the
pathways that will take us ever closer to our vision and purpose. We share
what's working, and what's not, very openly with each other to advance
our team and corporate knowledge and experience."
Excerpted from Jim's fourth bestseller, Growing
the Distance: Timeless Principles for Personal, Career, and Family
Success. View the book's unique format and content, Introduction
and Chapter One, and feedback showing why nearly 100,000 copies
are now in print at www.growingthedistance.com.
Jim's new companion book to Growing the Distance is The
Leader's Digest: Timeless Principles for Team and Organization Success.
Jim Clemmer is an internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, workshop/retreat
leader, and management team developer on leadership, change, customer
focus, culture, teams, and personal growth. His web site is www.clemmer.net.

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