Top 10 Tips to Beat Depression
By Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D.
According to recent labor studies, depression accounts for
close to $12 billion in lost workdays each year. More than $11 billion
in other costs accrue from decreased productivity. In that light, following
are my top ten tips on dealing with depression.
1. Exercise. Just taking a short walk on a break or lunch hour is helpful.
Exercise creates endorphins, which stimulate happiness. It's also good
for your general health.
2. Express your emotions. Holding negative emotions in can cause you to
behave in ways that can be destructive to yourself and your co-workers.
Allow yourself a few minutes to feel the pain, and then determine the
most appropriate way to deal with it. Talking with a trusted co-worker
may help.
3. Write. Daily journaling is a positive and creative way to release painful
feelings. Many great books, songs and poems have come from the depths
of depression. Begin by just writing about how you feel at the moment
and see where it goes from there.
4. Light. Using a full spectrum lamp for 15 minutes a day can heal SAD
(Seasonal Effectiveness Disorder), a type of depression that occurs when
we don't get enough sunlight. Even in the summer, fog and dampness can
darken your mood. The cold and short days of winter can be especially
depressing for those with SAD.
5. Air. Keep windows open, the fresh air is uplifting and makes the brain
and heart function better. Fresh air is also better for the immune system
than air conditioning.
6. Diet. A balanced diet will help control your brain chemistry and make
it easier for you to choose behaviors that will help you pull yourself
out of the doldrums.
7. Vitamins. A recent article in "Psychology Today" reported
that, "Fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids) may be as effective as drugs
in alleviating depression." Physicians have long recognized that
people who take their vitamins usually feel better.
8. Therapy. Talking about your pain to someone who can help you reframe
and heal is a tried and true method for curing depression. Make sure that
the therapist you choose has been trained in depression treatments and,
if you take medication, works with your M.D.
9. Work. Being successful in one area of your life often leads to feeling
successful in other areas. Don¹t sit around and mope, do the best
job possible. The pay off will be much larger than a check.
10. Trust. For most people depression is a temporary situation. Although
when you are deep within it, it's hard to see your way out, know that
it will end. It can be helpful to note that there may be a life lesson
to be learned in the process and that coming through a difficult emotional
time can make you a much better person.
Depression can also cause anxiety. For more information on dealing with
anxiety, send an email to barton@bartongoldsmith.com
with "Anxiety" in the subject line.
Start with one or two of these tips and see how it goes. People with depression
need to be reminded that they do have some control here, and not taking
it is a choice to remain in the darkness. Be proactive, healing this difficult
disorder may not be easy, but it can be as simple as turning on a light
For more than two decades Fortune
500 companies, educational institutions, and government organizations
worldwide have relied on Dr. Barton Goldsmith to help them develop
creative and balanced leadership. He is a highly sought-after keynote
speaker, business consultant and nationally syndicated author. His
columns appear in over 150 publications, including the Los Angeles
Business Journal. Dr. Goldsmith works regularly with The Young President¹s
Organization (YPO) and The Executive Committee (TEC). Considered an
expert on small business, he has spoken worldwide to groups of 10
to 5,000, and is in high demand for Keynotes, Training and Consulting.
He can be contacted through his web site at: www.BartonGoldsmith.com
or at (818) 879-9996. |

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