How Total is Your Quality Management?
By Jim Clemmer
Notre Dame football coach, Lou Holtz, once observed "When all is
said and done, a lot more is said than done". Despite all the talk
-- passionate speeches, glossy brochures, clever ads, high tech videos,
convincing sales pitches, snappy slogans, strategic plans, and solemn
annual reports -- the service and quality action delivered by most organizations
is mediocre at best.
Many well intentioned "Total Quality Management" improvement
efforts aren't working. In their international study of Total Quality
Management practices, the Conference Board of Canada found one study which
showed that "seven out of ten North American companies fail in their
attempt to execute a total quality strategy". But before you conclude
that TQM was just another passing fad -- a "flavour of the month"
-- take a closer look. Only a minuscule number of organizations in North
America have truly tried Total Quality Management. Most have talked about
TQM while implementing PQM -- Partial Quality Management.
Moving from Partial Quality Management to true Total Quality Management
is exceptionally tough. Here are a few of the keys:
Senior Management Involvement -- permission, lip service
-- even passionate lip service -- isn't enough. Managers and supervisors
adopt the visible priorities of their boss. Too often service and quality
improvement is what the top delegates to the middle to do to the bottom.
At Vancouver based Finning Ltd (the world's largest Caterpillar dealer),
CEO Jim Shepard and his executives are not only first in line for all
the service and quality training being given to everyone else, they are
also the trainers delivering sessions to their people.
Focusing and Supporting Teams -- while departmental, work group,
branch, project, or process improvement teams are clearly at the centre
of today's high performing organizations, managers often get too many
teams going before their time. Many medium to large-sized organizations
aren't ready to support more than a few pilot teams in year one or two
of their implementation. In a poorly prepared organization, improvement
teams smack into "old guard" supervisors and managers who think
a coach belongs in a hockey rink or fostering innovation means "if
I want any of your bright ideas I'll give them to you". Team suggestions
to realign inhibiting systems and cross-functional processes are given
a lukewarm, and sometimes hostile, reception by those very managers and
specialists who installed and now "snoopervise" them.
Planning and Reporting -- service and quality improvement
must be approached with the same discipline and rigor as good business
planning. The manager who throws staff, dollars, or training at improvement
activities in the whimsical belief some of it is bound to stick deserves
the whimsical service and quality he or she gets. Effective organizations
often spend months involving management, unions, work teams, board members,
and possibly key suppliers and customers in strategic quality planning.
Their service and quality measurement and reporting systems are every
bit as rigorous as their financial statements.
Broad and Balanced Approach -- a sure sign of Partial
Quality Management is an over reliance on a few improvement tools and
techniques. Effective implementations pull together the best techniques
from the fields of customer service -- understanding and increasing perceived
value, quality improvement -- improving processes at all levels through
gathering, analyzing, and monitoring critical performance data (Xerox
calls this "fact-based management"), and organization development
-- building leadership skills and changing the organization's culture.
Building Skills as Well as Knowledge -- three slide trays, a
bunch of videos, and five pounds of books and manuals all delivered by
a dynamic presenter may teach team members or leaders about group dynamics
or process management. But often this "spray and pray" approach
doesn't help participants figure out how to keep meetings focused or resolve
conflicts. In improving physical fitness we all know that understanding
common sense ideas is one thing, putting common sense into common practice
is something else. The technology used in most training programs doesn't
work. It may leave participants excited, enlightened, and aware, but is
rarely leaves them more competent.
True Total Quality Management produces dramatic results. But moving from
PQM to TQM requires as much discipline, consistency, and new habit formation
as moving from endless dieting or new year's fitness resolutions to long-term,
permanent lifestyle change.
Jim Clemmer is a bestselling author and internationally
acclaimed keynote speaker, workshop/retreat leader, and management
team developer on leadership, change, customer focus, culture, teams,
and personal growth. During the last 25 years he has delivered over
two thousand customized keynote presentations, workshops, and retreats.
Jim's five international bestselling books include The VIP Strategy,
on All Cylinders, Pathways
to Performance, Growing
the Distance, and The
Leader's Digest. His web site is www.clemmer.net.

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