Bad Boss? Learn How to Manage
Your Manager
By Jim Clemmer
If you think you're working for a bad boss, you have plenty of company.
Of 1,118 people who completed a survey at the Badbossology.com
web site last year, "48 per cent said they would fire their boss
if they could, 29 per cent would have their boss assessed by a workplace
psychologist and 23 per cent would send their boss for management training."
No doubt those who would surf a site by that name are
feeling more than a little disgruntled with a manager. But bad feelings
about bad bosses abound. Many people lose the boss lottery and, through
no fault of their own, end up reporting to an ineffectual manager. You
may not have chosen your boss, but you don't have to be a victim of his
or her weaknesses.
Some bad bosses are bad people. Their personal relationships are a disaster,
they're miserably unhappy and their values are evil. They want to dominate
and bully the people under them. But most bad bosses don't mean it. They
are good people doing a bad job. Many are blithely unaware of the dead,
wounded or stressed-out bodies they leave in their wake. They even think
they're good examples of leadership. Understanding how your well-intentioned
boss has gone off track can help you choose the best strategy for managing
him or her. Here are some reasons bosses go bad:
Confusing information with communication:
BlackBerrys, text messaging, blogs and e-mails are creating workplaces
too full of information and too devoid of communication. When many bosses
hear of the need for increased communication, they fire off more e-mails
or beef up intranet sites. But electronic communication is becoming a
huge barrier to conversation and understanding. The more electronically
connected bad bosses become, the more humanly disconnected their teams
Micro-management: Bad bosses are often micro-managers
intruding into details of every decision and facet of the business. This
may be because their own bosses expect them to be on top of things. But
bad bosses often get activities and results confused. They may also have
been embarrassed by someone's past poor performance or another major mistake
and take the wrong measures to make sure it never happens again.
It's all they know: Many bad bosses have had no other
role model than another bad boss. Maybe they watched a superior yell his
or her way to the top. Maybe they saw micro-management result in a promotion.
Or maybe they're even now working for a bad boss and mimicking the behaviour.
Sometimes bad bosses promote in their own image. They create a clone of
their own ineffectiveness that you now work for.
Promoted for all the wrong reasons: Most organizations
talk about the importance of leadership, valuing staff and other warmed-over
motherhood statements. But promotion decisions are often based not on
good management measures but for other reasons: strong technical skills,
a feeling of comfort with someone just like a superior or an individual's
ability to get the job done regardless of the collateral damage in the
Overworked and under-trained: Too many managers aren't coping
well with today's relentless pressure to do more with less. They feel
they need to push harder to get more from everyone in their organization.
They, too, have bosses to answer to. At the same time, too few have been
given the analytical training on management methods to work smarter, not
harder, or the people leadership skills to effectively co-ordinate and
coach. Many bosses reflect their organization's mindset that training
is a luxury or a sign of weakness.
Feeble feedback: Many bad bosses don't know what they
don't know because nobody tells them. At the same time, they don't really
want to know their flaws from the people they lead. Ironically, bad bosses
often rate their own leadership performance very highly. Tragically, they
choke off communication channels and misread the lack of feedback as a
sign they are doing well, because no one is telling them otherwise.
If your bad boss is basically a good person who's performing badly, here
are some strategies for you to exercise the leadership skills he or she
is lacking:
See and work the big picture: Do you know what keeps those above
you in the organization awake at night? What are their key goals and priorities
are? Don't wait to be told -- find out. Learn how your organizational
game is played. Politics involve relationships, trust, power, persuasion,
and influence. Build networks and coalitions, especially if you're trying
to influence significant change. Don't fixate on the fence sitters, naysayers,
or resistors. Work with people who are ready to move forward and build
momentum. Involve your boss where appropriate.
Don't wait, initiate: Set your top three to five goals.
Get your boss's input and adjust accordingly. Meet regularly to review
progress and reset priorities.
Set priorities: If you're feeling overwhelmed, draw up
a list of what you're working on, with time frames or the estimated effort
and resources required, and set the priorities as you see them. Review
and adjust this list with your boss. Be especially sure to get agreement
on priority order. When the boss comes to you with urgent new priorities,
pull out your list and ask where those fit in and what should be moved
down or off your list. Focus most of your energy on those things within
your control. Carefully pick areas or changes you would like to influence.
Figure out how to let go of those things or circumstances over which you
have no control. Don't "awfulize" them. Doing this just increases
everyone's misery and creates paralysis.
Support your boss: Don't badmouth or put down your boss
to co-workers. If you need to get input from others on dealing with your
boss, focus on the behaviour, issues or problems, not the person. Ensure
your boss gets lots of credit for successes. Look for opportunities to
recognize or reinforce his or her strengths and the kind of leadership
behaviour you'd like to see more of. Make a list of your boss's greatest
strengths and biggest weaknesses and see if there are ways you can build
upon the strengths and reduce the weaknesses.
Pick your timing: You may need to wait for the right
opportunity to approach your boss. Is he or she more receptive at particular
times of the day, in meetings or one-on-one, by conversation or with a
carefully crafted proposal? Are you approaching your boss in your own
preferred style or your boss's? If your boss is analytical, do you lead
with facts and analysis? If he or she is results -focused, do you focus
first on results? If your boss is strong on relationships and people connections,
do you focus on the human touch? What could you learn by watching others
who have a stronger relationship with your boss?
Use technology wisely: If your boss manages by e-mail,
respond in kind for most routine matters. However, if he or she sends
you a critical e-mail or gets into sensitive people issues by e-mail,
never respond in kind. Phone or pay a visit to avoid misunderstandings
and escalate emotions. You may need to follow up a phone conversation
with an e-mail, documenting what you discussed.
Strengthen your credibility: Make sure you are acting as you
say, demonstrating the leadership behaviour you'd like to see from your
boss. The single biggest source of your personal credibility with your
boss is meeting your commitments. Make sure you do what you say you're
going to do, and never over-promise and under-deliver.
Don't be a victim: If you work for a truly evil boss,
managing him or her is likely impossible. Your best strategy may be to
minimize contact, build support networks within your organization, develop
strong relationships with your boss' peers or managers, or get out of
that reporting relationship.
Originally appeared in Jim's column in The Globe
& Mail. Jim Clemmer is a bestselling author and internationally
acclaimed keynote speaker, workshop/retreat leader, and management
team developer on leadership, change, customer focus, culture, teams,
and personal growth. During the last 25 years he has delivered over
two thousand customized keynote presentations, workshops, and retreats.
Jim's five international bestselling books include The VIP Strategy,
on All Cylinders, Pathways
to Performance, Growing
the Distance, and The
Leader's Digest. His web site is www.clemmer.net.

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