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Towards a global cyber institute – Part 2.
By Allan J. Sayle, President Allan Sayle Associates

A platform for the Institute

“Platform” might not be the apposite expression in this age of cyberspace. Perhaps “portal” may be more appropriate. However, since the new Institute requires something of a base membership as well as a portal for their inter communications, “platform” will be used.

Either the Cove, or Saferpak, or both in a merger might offer the platform for the new cyber institute. Indeed, Marc Smith and Simon Timperley deserve considerable praise for their efforts and investments in creating their sites. Neither of those two sites has reached the full, exciting and awesome (in the true sense of the word) potential it has. At this stage, the future goals and strategies of those two are not known and may be inconsistent with the needs of a new Institute. And, of course, one cannot presume either would wish to take the necessary steps to provide the platform. There are other candidate hosts and contenders, though.

Naturally people currently working in the quality world might ask whether or not one or more of the existing Bricks & Mortars (BAMs) might wish to become the host. A few moments spent reflecting on their past and present features and services, though, would reveal there are a number of arguments why it does not appear any of them would be suitable, at present. A fuller discussion of that is inappropriate at this juncture.

Objects and purpose of the Institute

Simply these:

To globally encourage and facilitate the creation and exchange of knowledge and information concerning quality management.
By confirming grades of membership, to acknowledge the contributions and involvement of individuals and companies in that creation and exchange.
By awarding certificates of accomplishment, to recognize individuals who have attained world-class levels of knowledge and achievement, as prescribed by the Institute, in applying tools and techniques used for quality management.
By awarding certificates of conformity, to recognize trainers who provide courses that embody world-class curricula and are delivered competently, as prescribed by the Institute.
By awarding certificates of conformity, to recognize organizations that apply quality management and business improvement practices to an extent prescribed by the Institute and verified by individuals or organizations deemed competent by the Institute and acting on behalf of the Institute.

There may, of course, be others added by the members as the needs of organizations and their effective management reveal over time.

Name for the Institute

The members would determine the actual name by ballot. Any member can propose a name to be included in the ballot. Once determined, it is not envisaged the name would be subsequently changed.

The name should succinctly reflect the global reach and purpose of the Institute. Of course, it is not essential that the word “institute” should even be included: it is being used at this stage as a matter of convenience for this article. Other possibilities might include: academy; association; society; fellowship; organization and so forth. Adjectives might include: world; international; global; intercontinental – whatever. And, even “quality” may be inadequate. Alternatives might be: business improvement; business management; or quality management. One cannot be prescriptive at this stage but combining some of those expressions one might arrive at: the world society for the advancement of quality management; or the international institute for quality; or the global association of …etc. (Naturally, one would need to search to ensure no other organization exists by whatever name is proposed.)

One might even be brief, calling it “The Quality Management Institute” or “The Quality Institute”. (Similar to “The Glenlivet”, for those who know something of the history of Scotland’s single malt whisky industry!)

Next: A possible structure and membership requirements for the Institute




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