Internal audits and pastures new?
By Allan J. Sayle, President Allan Sayle
2. Might process review as a surrogate
for internal audits accord with my publicly expressed views?
Some of my thinking is presented in Appendix 2 and I summarize
key points as follows:
• |
I developed and have always advocated the “Process
(Task Element) Approach” to quality programs and auditing. |
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I believe in the performance of management auditing by someone independent
of the process audited. |
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Auditing is a fact-finding exercise that provides management information. |
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I believe in self-auditing and self-checking prior to work being
started using the process model. |
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The fundamental product of anyone’s process is a “decision”. |
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I consider verification being any of a check, inspection, test or
review according to circumstances. |
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The customer is the final arbiter of what is and is not acceptable. |
Those published thoughts are the yardstick for my analysis of the developments
described by Mr. Wade. I will consider the first four in that list.
The Process Approach
As is well known I developed the Process Approach back in the 1970s
and it has served well my employers, my clients and my own needs as a
quality professional over the many intervening years. Both Yell and NKUK
are claiming to follow the Process Approach and presumably believe in
its ability to serve their business needs. From my experience I am not
surprised. Whether or not they really understand it and apply it in the
manner I would advise, I am unable to say, but I would like to see for
Management auditing, self auditing
a) In the case of NKUK
It seems to me from what Mr. Wade has reported, it is a case of a “rose
by any other name…” etc. Though the PR may not bear the title
of “internal audit”, in light of the participation of the
customer, an audit is happening, to some extent or other.
• |
The efficacy of the customer’s effort depends,
of course, on the calibre of its representative, the nature of his/
her inquiries when on site, (which depends on the training received)
and the time taken for those inquiries. Those and other matters (as
I mentioned earlier) are things I would wish to assess for myself.
But, as all business is a matter between customer and supplier, if
that satisfies the customer – fine and caveat emptor.
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In that the customer is independent of the process being reviewed,
PR would be consistent with that aspect of my definition of a management
audit, stated in Appendix 2. |
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In that the “process” may be of a macro nature, that
is, it encompasses its own systems linking together its own micro
processes that together deliver the processes’ product, it would
then also be looking at the processes’ systems. |
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The customer is well positioned to determine whether or not the
supplier is meeting its contractual obligations, a component of my
“audit” definition. |
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By virtue of its presence and that one can reasonably presume the
supplier will show the customer objective evidence of what it is doing,
one can conclude the PR is, for the customer, a fact-finding exercise:
that would satisfy another part of my audit definition. |
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As to the “legal obligations”, another part of that
same definition, the possibility of risk and liability is an important
issue for each organization’s top management and legal advisers
to thrash-out. Such issues were never of concern to registrars or
ISO 9K promoters anyway: after all, how many of them proudly (or foolishly?)
claimed a QMS has nothing to do with the product or that a QMS does
not guarantee product quality! That being the case, they would now
be hoisted on their own petard if they raised any concern about them.
Or perhaps they would be hoisting themselves on their own petard?
Whatever may be the case, I care not about any dilemma now confronting
them. One’s concern must remain, as ever, that any QMS/ quality
program/ management controls et al are efficacious.
That is a concern expressed in a 1979 paper of mine, mentioned in
Appendix 2. |
• |
A matter of concern is that I regard management audits as being
future focused: that is, being done to best effect before an activity
(process, project, whatever) actually starts. Depending on the timing
of the NKUK’s PR activity, that preventive role, so important
in avoiding avoidable costs may not be present. If so, the customer
is ill served in the long term as is NKUK itself. |
• |
Since by its nature PR occurs after the process that is being reviewed,
the supplier is conducting a type of self-audit which I have stated
is a type of internal audit. The weakness is that in being conducted
after the process, it is not a truly preventive action. |
Overall, though one might play word-smithing games, I am unconvinced
NKUK is performing management audits because the actual conduct et
al are unknown. I would wish to personally assess how they go about
their PRs.
b) In the case of Yell
When I read Mr. Wade’s initial report, I was not actually concerned
about the Yell circumstance, for reasons I explain below: of greater concern
is the possibility of general abandonment of internal auditing that may
be sanctioned in firms where matters of health and safety could be paramount.
And, I would still be concerned unless equivalent controls, as outlined
above, for NKUK, were instituted in those firms.
In the case of Yell, at the time of this writing, Mr. Wade does not report
the involvement of the customer and I am therefore skeptical of Yell’s
compliance with the standard and of its real implementation of the types
of control, just mentioned. So, I would wish for more information and,
preferably, to undertake my own assessment of their practice, policies
and program. From the information contained in his Saferpak posting, I
would not endorse the Yell controls as a precedent for companies whose
products have health or safety implications.
That being said, on the basis of my adage, “Never lose sight
off the product”, what does Yell sell? Telephone directories?
Not to me; they seem to appear at my mailbox every now and again as free
issue items. From my understanding of Yell’s business, it sells
advertising to firms listed within the covers of its directories. What
are the risks? A business has an incorrect set of contact information
or description of its products or services, in which case an update can
soon correct that unfortunate situation but the world will not end. And,
if the size of the tome in my office is any guide, perhaps the risk of
injury if it fell on my foot! Though I might utter an expletive in that
circumstance, I will not then examine the section dealing with “Attorneys”
to sue Yell!
Consistency with my 2005 keynote address
In my recent Keynote address to the ASQ’s Quality Audit Division
2005 Conference, I observed how I see a bifurcation developed in “quality”.
One branch deals with process management, the other deals with management
process and that firms facing the pressures of globalization can take
advantage of that bifurcation. The implications for auditing were cited
and I reproduce the following diagram used during that speech. (To view
the entire text of the speech: 2005
keynote address.)
Branch |
Deals with |
Audit trend |
Process management |
How processes must manage their work. |
Process auditing.
Self-auditing, (six sigma etc.)
Management processes |
What management processes the organization needs. |
Management auditing.
Value Assessing
For the normal purposes of meeting ISO 9001:2000 to the satisfaction
of a registrar for certification purposes, the process management line
should suffice. That is, a combination of self-auditing and process auditing
should be sufficient. (Indeed, in that six sigma is not a requirement
of ISO 9001:2000, any organization adopting it would exceed the standard’s
“strictures”.) But, as mentioned, performing PR after the
fact does not constitute self-auditing in the manner I have advocated.
It would remain to be seen whether the process owners undertake that style
of self-audit. And it is also not known whether or not the firms really
understand the process approach such that in conducting a PR they would
Based on Mr. Wade’s posted information it seems to me the controls
chosen by NKUK should meet the requirements of the first line for effective
process management and my general views, already summarized. They also
meet my test of independence only by virtue
of the fact that the customer is involved in the process review. They
should be sufficient to protect health and safety of products and persons
provided they embrace the task elements. I am not so sure of Yell’s
compliance but for reasons stated product safety is not an issue of magnitude
similar to that in, say, the making of pharmaceuticals, of aircraft design
or of pressure vessel fabrication.
For going to greater depth, the second line would apply in addition
to the first. But, unless that second line is done, I would not be
assured the firm was constantly trying to avoid avoidable costs at the
level of the business model. The types of audit cited in that line extend
beyond the limits of compliance audits, which are the prime concern of
ISO 9001:2000.
My original concern
Based on the limited information contained in Mr. Wade’s
first post my original concern was that regardless of what ISO 9001:2000
may stipulate, certification bodies may be waiving the need for internal
audits and that health and safety might be at risk in some circumstances.
My angst was not with what the standard itself might require but from
the [horrifying] thought that a tried and tested tool (internal audits)
that has been a pillar of effective quality programs and management systems
was being wantonly discarded. Mr. Wade’s initial post provided no
information concerning any alternative, effective control that might be
instituted by Yell or other companies for whom a similar dispensation
had been provided.
Though being concerned that a certifying body (registrar) had destroyed
that pillar, I do not believe such folly was committed. If anything, for
reasons explained in this article, future events and developments may
show the registrar destroyed a pillar of the certifying industry and its
own portfolio of services. Regardless of the eventual outcome, I must
praise the registrar’s auditor involved for his/ her open mind and
flexibility and for opening up these new possibilities. Future events
may show it was, what the civil service and politicians would dub, a courageous
In any event, regardless of what may satisfy the flimsy requirements for
“internal auditing” contained in ISO 9001:2000, an organization
can still voluntarily conduct management audits as its strives to eliminate
or prevent avoidable costs. And it can also choose to move towards Value
Assessments for similar reasons. Though PR may seem a useful expedient,
based on the limited information at hand concerning their use at NKUK,
management may decide in the fullness of time it needs something more
effective. Call the activity what you want, its contribution and efficacy
are what matter.
: If
the precedent becomes the norm – will we visit fresh woods and pastures

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