The Most Profitable Ideas For Your Business
Are Lying Around Frustrated And Untapped Right Under Your Nose
By Chuck Yorke
A recent fascinating study carried out by the journal IRS Employment
Review has clearly shown that ideas generated by staff can be worth millions
of dollars every year.
The study asked some randomly selected companies to put an annual value
on implemented ideas suggested by staff. Just to mention two of the companies
polled, Siemens put it at 750,000 British pounds while Pfizer said that
improvements ideas from staff generated 250,000 British pounds, annually.
The study noted that although a vast majority of staff suggestion schemes
in many companies failed to produce much and were usually abandoned in
the end, others usually lead to higher sales, more efficient ways of working
and lower costs.
Interestingly 96 per cent of the corporations polled wanted greater staff
involvement in their suggestion schemes. Another interesting point that
emerged from the study was that although cash had an important part to
play in staff motivation, executives believed that workers placed more
value on the recognition they received for their efforts.
What all this proves beyond doubt is the fact that the most profitable
ideas for improvement in a business are usually lying around frustrated
and untapped right under the noses of corporate executives. To make matters
worse these ideas usually remain untapped even as most enterprises face
stiff competition and falling sales in the marketplace. When things go
wrong company boards focus on changing management or acquisitions when
the most effective source of solutions is readily available and already
on the payroll. And what’s more is that it is not too difficult
to launch a program for motivating workers to constantly generate ideas
for improvement in any corporation.
It is really sad that most enterprises these days do not make any use
of this highly effective resource already available and at their disposal
in the business.
Copyright © 2005 Chuck Yorke - All Rights Reserved

Chuck Yorke
About the Author: Chuck
Yorke is an organizational development and performance improvement
specialist, trainer, consultant and speaker. He is co-author, along
with Norman Bodek, of All You Gotta Do Is Ask, a book that explains
how to promote large numbers of ideas from employees. Chuck may
be reached at ChuckYorke@yahoo.com |
All You Gotta Do Is Ask
All You Gotta Do Is Ask explains how to promote large numbers of ideas
from your employees, something most organizations do very poorly,
if at all. The people who manage such organizations are either unaware
of the power of employee ideas, or they don’t know how to tap
it. This easy-to-read book will show you why it is important to have
a good idea system, how to set one up, and what it can do for you,
your employees, and your organization. In 1989, for example, Japanese
companies were averaging more than 37 ideas per employee, of which
87% were implemented. Quantifiable bottom-line savings were calculated
at more than $4,000 per employee. By contrast, their U.S. competitors
put little effort into encouraging employee ideas.

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