Innovation Champions, Skunkworks, and Organization
By Jim Clemmer
"Every new opinion, at its starting, is precisely in a minority
of one." — Thomas Carlyle, 19th century British essayist and
Advertising executive, Charles Brower once said, "A new
idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed
to death by a quip and worried to death by a frown on the right person's
brow." When innovations are in the exploration stage, they need a
champion to take them through the rest of the developmental stages. Otherwise
the bureaucracy, politics, and people who can only see the fledgling and
potential innovation through today's glasses will smother it or let it
quietly die from malnourishment.
Peter Drucker defines a champion as "a monomaniac with a mission."
It's a good way to describe the passionate, visionary leadership that
an innovation needs if it's going to get someone to protect, nurture and
fight for the resources to give the new idea a chance to try and prove
itself. The more radical the change, the stronger, more forceful, and
persistent its champion must be. Studies repeatedly show that most successful
innovations were led by, often fanatical, champions.
In today's interconnected and interdependent organizations even the most
passionate and effective champion needs support and resources. He or she
can't possibly do it alone. But since most innovations upset the established
order, "going through regular channels" will lead to almost
certain death.
So champions often find, organize, or attract to them like-minded fanatics
or believers. These groups are often called "skunkworks". In
his classic Harvard Business Review article, Controlled Chaos, James Brian
Quinn writes, "every highly innovative enterprise in my research
sample emulated small company practices by using groups that functioned
in a skunkworks style."
These ad hoc groups of turned on innovators are what management consultant
and author Bob Waterman, refers to in his book, Adhocracy. He writes "adhocracy
is any organization form that challenges the bureaucracy in order to embrace
the new. It cuts through organizational charts, departments, functions,
job descriptions, hierarchy, and tradition like a hot knife through butter.
. . ad hoc organizational forms are the most powerful tools we have for
effecting chang."
Don Frey has been vice president of product development at Ford, CEO of
Bell & Howell, a management professor, and was awarded the National
Technology Medal by president George Bush. In his article, "Learning
the Ropes: My Life as a Product Champion," he writes about his experience
as part of Lee Iacocca's hugely successful Mustang development team, "I
learned the never-to-be-forgotten importance of how a few believers with
no initial sanction, no committee, no formal market research, and no funds
could change a company's fate."
"It is no longer sufficient to have one person learning for
the organization, a Ford or a Sloan or a Watson. It's just not possible
any longer to 'figure it out' from the top, and have everyone else following
the orders of the 'grand strategist.' The organizations that will truly
excel in the future will be the organizations that will truly tap people's
commitment and capacity to learn at all levels in an organization"
(his emphasis). — Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline:
The Art and Practice of The Learning Organization
I am as fervently in favor of "the learning organization"
as I am of individual learning. You can't have innovation and higher performance
without learning. And Senge is right, organization improvement can no
longer depend on a few key leaders. But like "change management,"
teams, empowerment, reengineering, quality improvement and a host of other
popular organization programs, "the learning organization" often
becomes a means not an end in itself. It's not a destination; it's a main
thoroughfare on the road to higher performance.
That’s why "the learning organization" can be such a fuzzy
a concept. It can be too theoretical. We can't argue with many of the
models and paradigms. But too much of this work is written for academics
and philosophers, not practicing managers.
When it comes to both organization and personal innovation and learning,
the problem isn't a lack of failures and clumsy tries. It's that most
individuals, teams, and organizations don't cash in on their experience.
They're learning impaired. It's not a question of ability or IQ points
— some of the brightest people have crippling learning disabilities.
It's an implementation problem.
Many managers, teams, and organizations haven't developed the disciplined
habit or an effective process for systematically studying, reviewing,
revising, and retrying in a continuous cycle. As the revolutions of this
learning cycle add up, continuous improvements and innovations —
higher performance — result. Countless studies on highly successful
individuals, teams, and organizations continue to show that ability and
aptitude certainly help. But these factors pale in comparison to application
power. What we know is less important than what we do with what we know.
Jim Clemmer is a bestselling author and internationally
acclaimed keynote speaker, workshop/retreat leader, and management
team developer on leadership, change, customer focus, culture, teams,
and personal growth. During the last 25 years he has delivered over
two thousand customized keynote presentations, workshops, and retreats.
Jim's five international bestselling books include The VIP Strategy,
on All Cylinders, Pathways
to Performance, Growing
the Distance, and The
Leader's Digest. His web site is www.clemmer.net.

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