Innovative Problem Solving
By Barton Goldsmith
Los Angeles Business Journal, 28/08/01
"Imagination is more important than knowledge!" Albert Einstein
The most important function of Innovation is to foster the initiative
to think beyond the boundaries of what is. The purpose is to promote the
kind of thinking that is required to meet the needs of a rapidly changing
corporate technology and an even more rapidly changing marketplace. With
innovative thinking you make use of those particular states of mind that
provide access to the power of creativity.
As we leave the Industrial Age and move into the Information Age there
is a need to develop different skills. In this new age, the two most important
skills become creativity and problem solving. In the past, many people
did much the same jobs, as in the factories on the assembly line. In the
future, specialization is becoming more and more prevalent; and, in the
office, everyone is doing something different. We can no longer depend
on the same old answers, because we are creating brand new problems. The
key to the future involves creativity and problem solving.
The Experience of Problems
How we experience problems is a more significant factor in success
than are the specific problems that we experience. It can be said that
life is not about becoming free of problems, rather it is about becoming
a better problem solver. Instead of complaining and worrying, we must
learn to see problems as creative opportunities that give us the chance
to grow and improve. We can take on our problems as puzzles to be solved
or as challenges to be overcome. As Henry Ford said, "Failure is
only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."
When we get into stressful states, the filter or reticular activating
system closes down, denying us access to memory and creativity. By utilizing
the innovative brain one can get in touch with their problem solving capabilities.
With the filter open, we can use the imagination to go beyond what we
know into all that could be. This is best done when relaxed, great ideas
hit you when you’re not trying.
Often it is difficult to solve our problems because we can’t clearly
see the problem for what it truly is. This is the "You can’t
see the forest for the trees" syndrome. We get caught up in the emotions
and sometimes seem to blow the problem all out of proportion. Sometimes
it serves to take an alternate perception and see the problem in a different
way. Step outside of the problem, change perception, and the problem seems
to change.
Creative Problem Solving Techniques
Imagine that the problem belongs to someone else. If this were
true, what kind of advice would you give them? What would you say their
first step should be? How would you help to motivate them and get them
going? What resources would you suggest that they utilize? How can you
help them become more confident of their process and their ultimate success?
Pretend that the problem is already solved. Think backwards for the solution--
back to the first step. Remember how you did it. Where were you when you
figured it out and what were you doing? Realize how good it feels to have
it solved. Be proud of yourself. Sometimes we can solve a problem, simply
by realizing that it is not really a problem at all.
Many problems can be seen in a positive light, as creative opportunities
to exercise our minds and our talents to create some positive change.
For every problem there are solutions, some are better than others. One
of the most limiting forms of thinking is to assume that there is only
one right answer to your problem. This rigid and restrictive thinking
process comes from the rigid and restrictive experience called school.
In school we are taught that there is one right answer and anything else
is wrong. In order to become truly effective problem solvers, that mold
needs to be broken. If you relax your mind and use your imagination and
creativity, you will find unlimited resources at your disposal.
Using a Different Intelligence
Almost all of the great problems that have been solved had their solutions
begin in someone’s daydream. It is the daydream state, the Alpha
brainwave state, where most great ideas are born. One little clue or creative
idea is all that it takes to begin solving the most perplexing problems.
This type of innovative thinking is a great tool to help get in touch
with the imagination. It is a wonderful technique to improve your capacity
for problem solving and to enhance creativity. It is a little like creating
new software for the mind. The mind can be programmed to help solve problems,
to enhance insight, intuition, and inspiration. All you have to do to
access this part of your brain is to relax. Don’t force creativity
- coax it. Mindless activities like exercise, driving, and even watching
television are great idea generators. Many people get their best ideas
in the shower or just as they fall asleep. The key is to get into the
right state of mind - the state of relaxation.
For many people relaxation is not easy. Here are a couple of techniques
that work well for most individuals.
Tense/Release: Tighten all the muscles in your body for several seconds
and then release the tension. Do this three times and after the third
let your body and mind relax. Allow your mind to flow freely, to seek
its own answers.
Mini Vacation: Imagine that you are in Hawaii for a minute or two. Feel
the sun on your face, your toes in the sand and the wind in your hair.
Let the tension leave your mind and body. Ideas will flow to you like
gentle waves.
Positive Results
Solving even the most difficult problems does not require tension
and stress; in fact intensity will prevent you from resolution. Getting
in touch with the intuition, with new ideas is easy. Once we believe that,
and allow ourselves to access our imagination we can find the answers
we need.
Imagination primes the pump.
Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D., has
started, grown and sold 3 companies. He is a highly sought after keynote
speaker, business consultant, and author, who presents to numerous
companies, associations and leaders worldwide. He works regularly
with The Young President’s Organization (YPO), The Executive
Committee (TEC) and The Council of Growing Companies. Dr. Goldsmith
writes for the Los Angeles Business Journal, and is a contributing
author to over 70 business publications and trade journals. He can
be contacted through his web site at: www.BartonGoldsmith.com
or at (818) 879-9996 |
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