"It is not necessary to
change. Survival is not mandatory."
W. Edwards Deming
In business change is mandatory
and inevitable. Change may be proactive or reactive, and the process of
change means different things to different people depending on where one
sits in the organisation structure. One thing's for sure to be effective
the process of change must be planned and managed
Change Management
101 - A Primer
This excellent paper provides a broad overview of the concept of “change
management.” It was written primarily for people who are coming
to grips with change management problems for the first time and for more
experienced people who wish to reflect upon their experience in a structured
Corporate Transformation
Some companies succeed. They adapt to changing circumstances, and they
remain relevant and vital. Their people manage change, compete and win.
Other companies struggle and stagnate. They adopt fashionable approaches.
They buy the latest technologies. They introduce generic or re-engineered
processes, and they are advised by leading professional firms. Yet they
still fail. Professor Colin Coulson-Thomas tells us why...
Colin Coulson-Thomas
Culture Resists Change
No matter where you wish to take your organisation, you will need the
support and commitment of a majority of your managers and employees if
you are to succeed. However, getting your people "unstuck" -
getting them to not only embrace your vision, but to change the way they
think in order to achieve it - often is more challenging than defining
an appropriate destination. Is it just our natural resistance to change
that gets in the way, or is there something more basic going on here?
Change or Be Changed
Responsiveness to change is as important to organizations as is to people.
There are two kinds of organizations in today's world: those that are
changing and those that are going out of business. The business and government
graveyard is filled with the corpses of organizations that failed to respond
to inevitable changes. Similarly, there are also two kinds of people:
those who are changing and those who are setting themselves up to be victims
of change. As the world continues to march on around us, if I am only
maintaining the status quo -- if I'm not growing -- then I'm falling behind...
Jim Clemmer
What to Pack in Your Survival
Stick with it, says author and guru Ken Blanchard, as he gives some practical
answers on getting the best results when you’re dealing with hard
times and tough people. During tough economic times,
some kind of change in organisations becomes inevitable. Unfortunately,
because people find change threatening, they tend to focus on themselves,
becoming concerned about their security, safety and well-being. Then,
if too many people get stuck in the change process itself and can’t
see the bigger plan to move through change effectively, individuals and
organisations face a struggle for survival.
Ken Blanchard
Paradoxical Balancing Acts in Organization
Too often, we see the world in narrow binary, either/or terms. Odd or
even, closed or open, introverted or extroverted, individual or group,
profitable or unprofitable, rational or irrational, right or wrong, real
or imagined, hard or soft, emotional or dispassionate, and vertical or
horizontal are common examples of how we try to neatly pair contradictory
opposites. But top performers look beyond either/or to and/also...
a Holistic Approach to Change
Jack Horsnell argues that no matter which driver is seen as initiating
the need for change, success will only be achieved with a holistic approach...
Horsnell The Consultancy
Transforming the Company: How to
Manage Change, Compete and Win
Some companies succeed. People accomplish their aims. Other businesses
stagnate. People work hard, adopt fashionable approaches, use big name
consultants … but they still fail. Why is this? What do winners
do differently?
Colin Coulson-Thomas
Managing Change
Company chairman Professor Colin Coulson-Thomas puts the case for achieving
a balance between change and continuity and stresses the need to focus
upon the areas of greatest opportunity...
Colin Coulson-Thomas
Further reading |
Complete Idiot's Guide to Change Management
Jeff Davidson
If managing change was easy, everyone would be good at it. We would
all be humming along in our careers, feeling in control, staying mentally
and physically fit, and having piece-of-mind. Obviously, no one can
accurately predict the future; However, a variety of proven techniques,
as well as fresh perspectives for handling change, as presented in
this book will give you the edge you need to be effective. You'll
be treated to a variety of strategies, mini-case histories, observations,
witticisms, and good, old-fashioned common sense, mixed with leading
edge thinking. |
UK |
US |
Terms of Engagement:
Changing the Way We Change Organizations
Richard H. Axelrod |
The current
twenty-year-old approach to change management is failing, producing
cynicism, resistance, and resentment—in short the "Dilbert
Organization." Terms of Engagement exposes the inherent weakness
in the widely accepted Change Management Paradigm and provides leaders
with a powerful new alternative: The Engagement Paradigm. Engagement
replaces mechanistic approaches to change with the four essential
principles that lead to an engaged organization— Widening
the Circle of Involvement, Connecting People to Each Other and Ideas,
Creating Communities for Action, and Embracing Democratic Principles.
These four principles enable leaders to create the energetic, flexible,
responsive organizations necessary to thrive and prosper in today’s
world. Balanced, compelling, smoothly blending theory with practical
examples, Terms of Engagement is a practical guidebook that shows
how to engage the entire organization in the change process.
UK |
US |
A Force for
Change: How Leadership Differs from Management
John P. Kotter |
Kotter clearly demonstrates, is for the most part not a god-like
figure transforming subordinates into superhumans, but is in fact
a process that creates change -- a process which often involves
hundreds or even thousands of "little acts of leadership"
orchestrated by people who have the profound insight to realize
this. Building on his landmark study of 15 successful general managers,
Kotter presents detailed accounts of how senior and middle managers
in major corporations, in close concert with colleagues and subordinates,
were able to create a leadership process that put into action hundreds
of commonsense ideas and procedures that, in combination with competent
management, produced extraordinary results.
UK |
US |
Control Your
Destiny or Someone Else Will
Noel M. Tichy, Stratford Sherman |
The bestseller
that chronicles the GE revolution and provides a peerless guide
for managers facing intensifying competition and ceaseless change.
GE CEO Jack Welch presents six management principles including facing
reality, being candid, leading, anticipating change, and knowing
when to compete as part of a strategy for long-term competitiveness.
UK |
US |
Heart of Change:
Real-life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations
John P. Kotter, Dan S. Cohen |
John Kotter's
international bestseller Leading Change struck a powerful chord
with legions of managers everywhere. It acknowledged the cynicism,
pain, and fear they faced in implementing large-scale change-but
also armed them with an eight-step plan of action for leaping boldly
forward in a turbulent world. Now, Kotter and coauthor Dan S. Cohen
delve deeper into the subject of change to get to the heart of how
change actually happens. Through compelling, real-life stories from
people in the trenches, in all kinds of organizations, the authors
attack the fundamental problem that underlies every major transformation:
How do you go beyond simply getting your message across to truly
changing people's behaviour?
UK |
US |
Development and Change Library
The Organization Development and Change library is just one section
of the Free Management
Library lovingly prepared by Carter McNamara of Authenticity Consulting,
LLCA. The site houses one of the world's largest online library's about
organization development and change...
Management Learning Centre
This site is a Portal with links to an array of the best change management
articles sourced from the deepest, darkest corners of the internet...
Change Management Directory
The CMD is a website dedicated to Change Management and contains a wealth
of resources on - you guessed it! Change Management...
by Fred Nickols
The website of Fred Nickols author of Change Management 101 - A Primer
which was kindly provide by Fred for the site. (a great article - see
top of page). The link takes you to dozens of Fred's articles on subjects
including Knowledge Management, Strategy and Change Management...
Management Monitor
Another website dedicated to change management. On the site you'll find
in-depth articles, hundreds of long book reviews and lots of other information
to help you get to grips with the subject...
top of page |