Much of the change we desire
whether professionally or personally is within our own hands.
The Self Management resource is a real mishmash of articles
designed to help us cast a critical eye over ourselves. Self analysis
and self management are vital if we want to become more productive and
achieve greater levels of success in work and life.
to get the most (for yourself) from training
If training is not important to a particular job today, that job will
not be important much longer, either. What makes training such a big deal?
Feedback to See How Others See
Like beauty, service, quality, honesty, or integrity, leadership is in
the eye of the beholder. I judge myself by my intentions. Others judge
me by my actions. My intentions and the actions that others see may be
miles apart. Unless I know that, I am unlikely to change my actions or
try to get others to see me differently. I can become trapped in their
reality and get very frustrated when they don't respond to me as I'd like...
Jim Clemmer
Life Accumulates in Our Personal Choice
Our choices accumulate in our personal choice accounts. We're accumulating
deficits or surpluses with each decision we make. We are continually shifting
the balance of our choice account. However, the longer our poor choices
are allowed to accumulate, the more time and effort will be needed to
shift that balance. So we need to get started immediately. Are you in
Jim Clemmer
Choice More than Chance Determines Our Circumstance
"What's the world's greatest lie?" the boy asked, completely
surprised. "It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose
control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by
fate. That's the world's greatest lie." — Paulo Coelho, The
Jim Clemmer
Pursuing Failure
It's OK to fail. Barton Goldsmith believes that if people are not allowed
to fail, they cannot grow; and any organisation striving for the next
level should encourage risk taking and creativity and accept failure as
an inevitable and useful part of the process...
Goldsmith CEO Goldsmith Consulting
Are you working too hard?
Corporate decision makers need to review whether those for whom they are
responsible are striking the right balance between activity and thought,
and between action and reaction. Maybe less 'input' and fewer interruptions
would mean more valuable outputs...
Colin Coulson-Thomas
Corporate Communications in Crisis
Corporate value statements advocate openness. Professional codes of practice
champion integrity. Managers are expected to have ‘communication
skills’. Substantial investments have been made in communications
technologies. A distinctive vision, stretching goals and clear objectives
can inspire, excite and energise people. However, many companies fall
short of these ideals...
Colin Coulson-Thomas
Outside the Box Business
'The Box' is a comfort zone. It is where people feel at ease, where they
feel safe. However, if you look at the accomplishments of great thinkers,
business leaders, performers, athletes and artists, you will see they
reach the pinnacle of success in their respective fields because they
choose to move beyond what was comfortable, what is known...
Goldsmith CEO Goldsmith Consulting
Manage By Mobilizing - Create an
environment that empowers people
Jody Urquhart provides some sound advice on becoming a better Manager
whilst empowering your team...
Urquhart Idoinspire
Leading Well under Pressure
Barton Goldsmith provides some useful techniques for releasing pressure.
Get ready for some primal screaming...
Goldsmith CEO Goldsmith Consulting
Innovative Problem Solving
Problems play a part in every Quality Professionals working day and we
need to be adept at solving them. Barton Goldsmith argues the only way
to become a truly effective problem solver is to get creative...
Goldsmith CEO Goldsmith Consulting
A Guide to Finding and Keeping Quality Engineers
A good practice aide memoire for selecting and retaining Quality Engineers...
Lee Jonathan Lee Recruitment
Management Skills
A series of award winning articles by Gerard M
Blairon which appeared in IEE Engineering Management Journal bimonthly
from Oct 1991 until Apr 1993...
Changing Minds
Changing others' minds is at the
core of many professions and disciplines, from teaching to brand management
to psychotherapy to sales. And although each has its body of knowledge,
they all have much in common. Brainchild of David Straker the Changing
Minds web site aims to become the world's leading site for information
on all aspects of how we change one another's minds. And it's doing a
pretty good job...
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