Pursuing Failure
By Barton Goldsmith
"Success is going from failure to failure without loss of
enthusiasm" - Winston Churchill
Most people dislike the idea of failure, but think about it; the only
way not to fail is by not trying. Wouldn't you rather your people pursue
failure - to attempt new ideas, seek to bring in new clients, and try
to create new products, than not? If your people are not allowed to fail,
they will not grow. If you cannot encourage your team to reach new heights
by giving them a safety net (not firing them if they fail), then how will
you take your company to the next level?
From 0 to 50...Million
This philosophy has helped a number of companies reach the top of their
markets. Take for example Mid-America Direct, the largest Corvette after-market
parts company in the world. CEO Mike Yager continues to encourage his
team to try new ideas, and he doesn't punish them if the ideas don't work
right away. He believes that with support, his team members will reach
deep within themselves and create new income streams for the company.
He continues to remind them that they are part of a team and that they
are supported, by him and by each other. Even if their ideas don't work,
he is pleased that they are attempting to push the envelope. To further
inspire his people, they also get personal rewards for continued efforts
in improving the company.
Yager started his company with a vision, ideas like this, and not much
else. After reaching the top of his industry, two years ago he decided
to take on two new catalogues (VW and Porsche) and is watching them grow
with the same velocity. He believes that the only thing that can turn
a challenge into a failure is not learning from it. He also believes in
continuing education for his team and brings in the best speakers and
trainers in the country to help his people reach the next level.
Act As If
Henry Ford said, "Failure is only the opportunity to begin
again more intelligently". Being able to look at your failures and
learn from them is a definition of wisdom. To be able to see them clearly,
as steps to your goals, gives you energy and inspiration. If you beat
yourself up, and become listless with self-loathing, your goals become
harder to reach. The energy you put into anger just holds you, and your
people, back. If you have difficulty grasping this idea, here's a way
to see how it actually works.
The next time you or one of your team members fails, don't chastise them
(or yourself). Hold back your anger or disappointment and "act as
if" (pretend) that it was part of the process. See it as a step in
the right direction. Talk with your team, and explain that you believe
that this supposed "failure" is taking you closer to your goal.
Explain to them (and yourself) that without the lessons learned from this
failure, you would not have the information and experience necessary to
achieve success. Then see if you don't reach the next level quicker and
easier than if you spent time and energy wallowing in blame, anger and
disappointment. This isn't some kind mind game; it's a necessary step
in growing your business that has been used by some of the most successful
leaders and companies in the world.
Beyond Failure
Perhaps the most important job of a Mentor is to help their people
learn from their mistakes. This is the learning that comes from experience,
and it's the most valuable learning we get. By supporting your team and
yourself in this kind of thinking, you are creating a company culture
that will inspire your team to make your business grow. Most successful
people will honestly tell you that they reached their goals by making
lots of mistakes. The Mentor's job is to encourage their people to reach
beyond their failures, mistakes and fears, and use the lessons learned
to achieve success. Work to encourage your team to pursue failure, and
they will respond by pushing the envelope all the way to the top.
Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D., has
started, grown and sold 3 companies. He is a highly sought after keynote
speaker, business consultant, and author, who presents to numerous
companies, associations and leaders worldwide. He works regularly
with The Young President’s Organization (YPO), The Executive
Committee (TEC) and The Council of Growing Companies. Dr. Goldsmith
writes for the Los Angeles Business Journal, and is a contributing
author to over 70 business publications and trade journals. He can
be contacted through his web site at: www.BartonGoldsmith.com
or at (818) 879-9996 |
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