"There is nothing in a caterpillar
that tells you it's going to be a butterfly"
Buckminster Fuller
Creativity in the workplace is typically
discouraged in favour of standardisation, order, and control. However,
if we suppress lateral thought and risk taking amongst employees and reward
safe and robotic behaviour, can we expect to be anything more than just
‘quite good.’
Winning organisations genuinely seek to discover the talent present in
employees and they develop a 'creativity friendly' climate that nurtures
human invention. Savvy organisations recognise that creativity is a natural
resource and an essential element of organisational excellence.
is Creativity
There are many aspects to creativity, but one definition would include
the ability to take existing objects and combine them in different ways
for new purposes. For example, Gutenberg took the wine press and the die/punch
and produced a printing press. Thus, a simple definition of creativity
is the action of combining previously uncombined elements. From art, music
and invention to household chores, this is part of the nature of being
creative. Another way of looking at creativity is as playing with the
way things are interrelated. Creativity is the ability to generate novel
and useful ideas and solutions to everyday problems and challenges...
Guru Charles Cave
Theory of Inventive
Problem Solving (TRIZ)
An old (1995) but very useful article providing a comprehensive overview
of the TRIZ methodology. TRIZ is the Russian acronym for "Theory
of Solving Inventive Problems" and was developed by Russian engineer
and scientist, Genrich Altshuller in 1946.
Glenn Mazur
Problem Solving
Throughout history, many different people have tried to map problem solving
as a process which individuals and groups could follow to success. The
article provides an overview of the Osborn Parns Creative Problem Solving
Customer Intimacy and Empathy are Keys
to Innovation
Just because a company is spending money on research (such as markets,
customers, or new technologies) and development doesn't mean they will
get innovation. Innovation, as with advertising, training, or many other
organization investments, depends on the quality of the investment as
much as the quantity of resources put in it. A high proportion of innovative
new products, services, and companies flop. That's often because managers
build better mousetraps without first making sure there are any mice out
there. Or that people still want to catch them...
Jim Clemmer
More Coming Soon...
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