"TQM didn't work for us
- so now we're going lean"
A.N Other CEO
Total Quality Management (TQM) has suffered
a spectacular fall from grace since the 1990's when it was wrongly believed
that it would lead organisations effortlessly down a rose petaled
trail to immense wealth. During this time CEO's clamoured for seats on
the bandwagon and declared with stomach in and chest out "we're doing
It has been reported that around 90% of TQM implementation programmes
failed, so what went so wrong? Was the TQM philosophy flawed? Ultimately
in the majority of cases it was a lack of vision and understanding of
the long term commitment that was required to effect the culture change
necessary to become a Total Quality Organisation. Deming once said that
implementing TQM would take organisations at least seven years and the
truth of the matter is that most businesses and CEO's won't or can't wait
that long. Twas ever thus!
The TQM philosophy is a holistic approach for addressing overall organisational
performance, central to the philosophy is that all organisational functions
are focussed on meeting customer needs and organisational objectives.
This company-wide approach views organisations as a collection of processes
that must be continuously improved by incorporating the knowledge, skills
and experiences of all workers.
The old masters never fade away
In the late 1980s, when Professor Tony Bendell wrote "The Quality
Gurus" booklet for the DTI’s ‘Managing into the 90s’
campaign, little did he realise how long his analysis of quality gurus
would remain relevant. He still receives requests for copies, which he
now regards as collectors’ items. Quality World asked him to look
again at the quality gurus, from the vantage point of the year 2000...
Tony Bendell Services Ltd
TQM overview
A concise introduction to Total Quality Management by the Department of
Trade and Industry (DTI)...
in TQM: What Does It Mean?
Superb paper written by Thomas Lee and Jamshid Gharajedaghi on the importance
of leadership to the success of Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation,
the paper outlines the prerequisite leadership functions required to maximise
the chances of success...
How Total is Your Quality Management?
True Total Quality Management produces dramatic results. But moving from
PQM (Partial Quality Management) to TQM (Total Quality Management) requires
as much discipline, consistency, and new habit formation as moving from
endless dieting or new year's fitness resolutions to long-term, permanent
lifestyle change.
Jim Clemmer
is Quality?
Quality has many definitions and a sometimes perplexing reputation. This
article goes back basics and takes a bigger picture to frame quality into
the fuller business context. Written by David Straker...
Let's get back to Common Sense
A plethora of manufacturing improvement philosophies is available, so
where should the smaller business start?
Chris McKellen's easy to read and practical paper brings the
'big picture' into focus...
McKellen Manufacturing Awareness Limited
Six Sigma is not TQM
In this paper Thomas Pyzdek compares the critical differences between
Six Sigma and TQM , and explains these differences are the reason why
the popularity of TQM has waned, while Six Sigma's popularity continues
to grow...
Further reading |
TQM: Text with
John S. Oakland
Supported throughout with real-life case studies, this text
provides a simple model for "Total Quality Management" and
includes comprehensive coverage of the concepts students need to understand.
The way TQM can be applied in all business activities is described.
This third edition features material on process modelling and management;
people development; performance measurement; the business excellence
model; self-assessment; benchmarking; and the implementation of TQM.
There is also information on Six Sigma and ISO 9000-2000. Case studies
reflecting the latest developments in the area focus on organizations
which have fully integrated the TQ approach into their business operations
and delivered real benefits. |
UK |
US |
Pocket Guide
to TQM (Mini Pictorial Guides)
John S. Oakland, Peter Morris (Illustrator) |
This mini-guide
aims to show students and managers what they need to understand
about Total Quality Management in a simple, clear form. Cartoons
help to illustrate some of the complex issues and confusing jargon.
UK |
US |
Quality's Greatest
Hits: Classic Wisdom from the Leaders of Quality
Zigmund Bluvband |
The quality
movement has had numerous leaders, theories, and best practices
that have revolutionized the way organizations operate. Often the
myriad of information can be confusing, occasionally contradictory,
to even the most experienced quality manager. Finally a guide of
the most useful and noteworthy pieces of information on quality
management has been collected in one convenient, easy-to-use guide
book. Quality's Greatest Hits: Classic Wisdom from the Leaders of
Quality is a handy, user-friendly guide of the most notable theories,
tools, and quotations from quality's biggest names. This quick reference
of quality principles, tools, and notable quotes belongs on the
desk of every manager. While not intended to teach these quality
fundamentals to the reader, this book is an ideal reference for
anyone who has to make presentations, provide quality training,
or serve as a mentor by providing convenient and time-tested information.
Quality's Greatest Hits is a great refresher fir the experienced
quality manager, and helpful guide for those still trying to find
their way in the confusing maze of quality. The ideas collected
include SPC, design, ISO, TQM, quality gurus (Juran, Deming, Crosby),
project management and more.
UK |
US |
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