Mistake-Proofing - Fool-Proofing
- Failsafing
Japanese industrial engineer Shigeo Shingo developed
Poka Yoke (to avoid (yokeru) inadvertent errors (poka)) along with "source
inspection" as a means for achieving Zero Quality Control (ZQC).
Shingo introduced these ideas in his book Zero Quality Control: Source
Inspection and the Poka-yoke System. Shingo also developed the SMED
People are human and cannot be expected to do everything like a machine,
exactly the same each time. A simple distraction can lead to a part of
their work being done wrong. It is also not necessarily their fault, as
poorly-designed processes that require a great deal of attention can contribute
severely to problems. The basic principles of Poka yoke advocate designing
or developing tools, techniques and processes such that it is impossible
or very difficult for people to make mistakes. It is a simple principle
that can lead to massive savings.
Thus, for example, a plate that must be screwed down in one orientation
only could have the screw holes in non-symmetrical positions so that it
can only be screwed in the right orientation. The principle can be easily
used in non-manual situations (where mistakes can have huge costs associated),
for example in a project management process, checklists may be used at
various times in the project to check that particular tasks have not been
Poka-Yoke: A Misunderstood Concept
Mistakes happen in organisations for many reasons, but almost all of them
can be prevented, if people make the effort to identify when problems
happen, define root causes, and then take the proper corrective actions.
The objective is to prevent, or at least, detect and weed out defects,
as early as possible in the process. The use of simple poka-yoke mechanisms
and other safeguards can also prevent mistakes from becoming catastrophic
"Must See" Presentations
Four superb Powerpoint™ Presentations on Mistake Proofing,
5S, Lean / Kaizen and Quick Changeover (SMED) provided by Learning &
Productivity Pty Ltd who specialise in support resources for manufacturers
in Australia and New Zealand...
Impact of Dr Shigeo Shingo on Modern Manufacturing Practices
A really great (pdf) paper about Shingo and his work written by Dr. Stephen
B. Vareman...
Further reading |
Improving Product Quality by Preventing Defects
Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun |
If your
goal is 100 percent zero defects, here is the book for you - a completely
illustrated guide to poka-yoke (mistake-proofing) for supervisors
and shop-floor workers. Many poka-yoke devices come from line workers
and are implemented with the help of engineering staff. The result
is better product quality - and greater participation by workers
in efforts to improve your processes, your products, and your company
as a whole. |
UK |
US |
Zero Quality
Control: Source Inspection and the Poka-yoke System
Shigeo Shingo |
Shingo reveals his unique defect prevention system, which combines
source inspection and poka-yoke (mistake-proofing) devices that
provide instant feedback on errors before they can become defects.
The result: 100 percent inspection that eliminates the need for
SQC and produces defect-free products without fail. Includes 112
examples, most costing under $100. |
UK |
US |
Grout's Mistake-Proofing Center
This POH-kah YOH-kay Portal is fantastic! From this link you can visit
John's commercial site www.mistakeproofing.com or his original site at
Berry College. Whichever path you choose you'll find everything you need
including tutorials, everyday examples of mistake-proofing and a useful
glossary. Blackadder anyone?
Shingo Prize
The Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing was established in 1988
in honor of Shigeo Shingo. The Prize promotes world-class manufacturing
and recognizes companies that achieve superior customer satisfaction and
business results. The philosophy of the Shingo Prize is that world-class
business performance may be achieved through focused improvements in core
manufacturing and business processes...
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