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Please choose a subject from the drop down menu: How many responses do I need for a reliable result? How do I decide which customers to interview? Should I use an agency or conduct the survey myself? What benefits does using an outside agency bring to my survey? How much will it cost me to use an agency? How can I be sure what my customers’ requirements are? How do I introduce the survey? How do I persuade people to take part? How can I maximise response rates? Should I use an incentive to encourage people to respond? What is a good response rate? How many responses should I expect? Do I need to conduct exploratory research? How do I take regional/national/social character differences into account? Does changing CSM methodology make historical data obsolete? Should I use focus groups or depth interviews? How do you facilitate a focus group? How do you conduct a depth interview? Is exploratory research unreliable due to the small sample sizes? How should I decide what questions to ask on my questionnaire? How many questions should I have on my questionnaire? Should I use telephone interviews or self-completion questionnaires? How long should an interview take? What kind of scale should I use? How do I make sure respondents match my quota? What is the value of a mirror survey? How do I calculate a Satisfaction Index? Which software should I use? What value is benchmarking the results? How do I know if my result is good? If the questions change is it still valid to make comparisons? Whats better, mean scores or top-box scores? How often should I conduct surveys? What should I tell my customers about the results? Whats the best way to feed back information to customers? Which customers should I tell the results to? What should I tell my employees? How do I feed back a bad result? How should I communicate the results to senior management? What would be a sensible target to set for improvement? Why is CSM better than mystery shopping? Is CSM relevant to my organisation? How does CSM fit into the new ISO9000 standard? Why should I measure customer satisfaction? Why should I measure employee satisfaction?
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