Quality Function Deployment (sometimes called the House
of Quality) is another of those strangely-named methods that are literal
translations of Japanese.
In the product development process there is a sequence of transformations,
such as requirements to specification, specification to design, design
to fabrication, specification to tests, etc. It is easy for the customer
requirements to become lost in these chains. Quality Function Deployment
(or QFD) addresses this problem by using a matrix at each transformation
point to map forwards what is often called the 'voice of the customer'.
The first
matrix used typically maps customer needs (the 'what') to the function
or process that provides the need (the 'how'). Correlation between the
'how's adds a 'roof' to the matrix, which leads to the sometimes-used
name of the 'House of Quality'. Cascaded
matrices are used to propagate the customer voice through more
detailed parts of the design and solution stages.
Link to several useful QFD papers including "QFD and the Expanded
House of Quality"; although this paper was written by Bob Hales in
1990, it can still provide a useful introduction into Quality Function
Pro Action
Jurassic QFD
Presented at the 11th Symposium on QFD, 1999 by Andrew Bolt, MD Robotics
project leader, and Glenn Mazur. QFD was used to design an animatronic
Triceratops for Universal Studio's new Jurassic Park. Going to the gemba
helped the QFD team bring this animal to life, and reduce the number of
joints by 2/3. Winner of the Design Engineering 1999 Gold Medal. ...
A Guide for Business Improvement
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This guide explains how to carry out
more than twenty tools & techniques necessary to ensure your
business continually improves.
Topics covered include:
Affinity diagrams, Bar charts, Black & white charts, Brainstorming,
Cause & effect diagrams, Design of Experiments (DoE), Failure
Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMEA/FMECA), Fault Tree Analysis
(FTA), Five WHY’s for root cause analysis, Five Ws & one
H for problem definition, Flow charting, Histograms, Pareto analysis,
Pictograms, Pie charts, Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, Quality
Function Deployment (QFD), Rating, Repeatability and Reproducibility
tests (R&R), Run charts, Significance testing, Solution effect
Also includes a handy matrix showing when to apply which tool &
technique. |
Further reading |
QFD: Customer-Driven Product Design, Second Edition
John Terninko |
it be great if you could design a product with the customer in mind-right
from the very start? Well, now there's a way: Quality Function Development,
or QFD, translates the needs of the consumer directly into the design
and development of new products and services. By focusing on customer
needs and incorporating them into every phase of the manufacturing
process, it eliminates waste and improves customer satisfaction.
And that means increased sales, greater profits and a bigger share
of the market.Step-by-Step QFD is a practical, hands-on guide to
implementing QFD at any organization. Written by an expert in the
field, it shows how the intensive study of consumer needs can be
used to help you dramatically outperform the competition. In fact,
the strategies outlined in this book have already met with great
success at a number of corporations both within and outside of the
United States. This workbook includes a case study of QFD in action,
34 helpful workshops and an analysis of the synergy between QFD,
TRIZ and Taguchi. So whether you're a QFD trainer, project manager,
design engineer or manufacturer, Step- by-Step QFD will show you
how to let one voice drive your entire design process- the customer's!
UK |
US |
Japan Business Consultants,
Japan Business Consultants Ltd. is the site of Glenn Mazur the world renowned
expert and exponent of Quality Function Deployment. The site contains
a vast array of papers and case studies on QFD as well as Hoshin and Theory
of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ)...
QFD Institute
The QFD Institute was sanctioned in 1993 by Dr. Yoji Akao, QFD’s
co-founder, to research and develop state-of-the-art methods, tools, and
training. It is a non-profit organization largely operated by volunteers...
International Council
for QFD
The ICQFD represents the coordinated efforts of QFD practitioners and
researchers worldwide. On the site you can find information about QFD
events and issues...
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