Outside the Box Business
By Barton Goldsmith
Los Angeles Business Journal, 26/02/01
Today, thinking "Outside the Box" is not enough. Companies have
to live "Outside the Box" in order to create meaningful
business change. For example, instead of holding a strategic planning
meeting at the home office or in a local hotel, take the entire team to
an inspirational and unusual location, Bora-Bora for example. Why? Because
your team will think much differently in Bora-Bora than they will in the
same familiar surroundings. When one’s entire being is immersed
in a different culture, people can’t help but think more creatively
and with greater passion.
If planning meetings are continually held in the office, the company will
likely get the same thoughts and ideas they have always received. Companies
that seek innovation and creativity from their people first set the scene.
They hold important meetings, such as strategic planning, team building
and problem-solving meetings in a destination and manner that inspires
the participants. The result is a shift in perspective, which often produces
solutions that were previously not considered. That’s part of living
"Outside the Box.
Inventiveness and change are the by-products of seeing things differently.
When this happens, possibilities begin to flow. Suddenly new ideas of
what companies (or people) want and how to get there reveal themselves.
A shift in business perspective can open many doors. Once the door is
open, the hard work has been done. Then the risk of stepping through it
doesn’t seem quite as scary.
The Facilitator
To maximize contributions and creativity, it’s important
for the CEO or top management executives to participate in, but not dominate,
the meeting. Why? If the CEO is the facilitator, participants tend to
echo the leader’s ideas, and the CEO may unconsciously push his
or her own ideas. That format doesn’t encourage living "Outside
the Box". In addition, facilitation is a skill that most leaders
don’t possess. The facilitator needs to be able to push the meeting
forward and free up the CEO to add creativity, not leadership.
What’s the alternative? Hire a pro to run your meeting. Trained
facilitators or change management experts help people open their minds
to new ideas and new methods that may feel uneasy at first, but are necessary
to birth change. In other words, they help meeting participants see things
differently and create new and better ideas/goals.
Overcoming Limitations
"The Box" is really a comfort zone. It is where people
feel at ease, where they feel safe. There is nothing wrong with feeling
comfortable and safe. However, if you look at the accomplishments of great
thinkers, business leaders, performers, athletes and artists, you will
see they reach the pinnacle of success in their respective fields because
they choose to move beyond what was comfortable, what is known. They begin
to think differently, which leads them to see things differently and,
in turn, to DO things differently. They all have taken risks and stepped
out of their comfort zone in order to achieve their goals.
For example, Edison never slept. Instead he took naps, with a rock in
his hand! He did this because when he fell from the dream state, where
he got his ideas, into deep sleep, the rock would fall and wake him up.
He was then able to remember his dreams, and that is how he got the ideas
for his many inventions.
Innovation requires high-risk challenges to business. Successful entrepreneurs
take risks, and step out of their comfort zones. Whatever the greatest
fear, they face it and find ways to walk through it. Consulting with a
mentor or a high-level executive coach can help jump that hurtle. Most
importantly remember that while there is risk in trying something new,
no matter what the outcome, there is no failure. And don’t expect
to do it all or right the first time. Even for the most successful, risk
taking and tolerance are learned skills. Great leaders don’t prepare
to fail, but accept not achieving all their dreams at once, and they never
give up. Winston Churchill said, "Success is going from failure to
failure without loss of enthusiasm."
When people are the first to do something new in life, whether it’s
a first job, or creating a new product, it usually takes a long time.
That also applies to any new venture, whether it is opening a business,
selling a company or retiring. New territory is definitely outside the
comfort zone even if it’s a lifelong dream. Once navigated, the
terrain of a new process becomes familiar and doing it again will become
much easier.
Repetition can ease the anxiety of a difficult task. For example, after
growing and selling a first business, there is much less anxiety starting
and growing the second. The same principle holds true when beginning to
think differently. Most successful executives find whatever challenge
they accept, they may feel awful and awkward the first time. Yet, the
second time they do it, they have more command of the situation. There’s
no question that it is uncomfortable venturing into unknown waters. Yet,
it is crucial in order to reach new levels in one’s professional
and personal life. Remember, the only people who are wrong are those who
say, "It can’t be done".
The Idea Zone
In today’s marketplace, a willingness to stretch and to
grow is essential. The world is changing rapidly, and a new approach to
business and management is necessary to meet the demands of these changing
times. Accept the challenge. Go beyond the fray. Step out of your comfort
zone, and see the limitless possibilities that exist.
By conquering the very things that terrify people the most, the boundaries
literally melt away. Obstacles that have held people back all their lives
become steppingstones to a new vision. As people develop new, shared visions,
others will follow because of the convictions proponents have. That’s
when people experience the exhilaration, freedom and power of the zone
outside the box. They are living in the IDEA ZONE. This is where joy,
success, creativity and personal power reside.
Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D., has
started, grown and sold 3 companies. He is a highly sought after keynote
speaker, business consultant, and author, who presents to numerous
companies, associations and leaders worldwide. He works regularly
with The Young President’s Organization (YPO), The Executive
Committee (TEC) and The Council of Growing Companies. Dr. Goldsmith
writes for the Los Angeles Business Journal, and is a contributing
author to over 70 business publications and trade journals. He can
be contacted through his web site at: www.BartonGoldsmith.com
or at (818) 879-9996 |
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