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Towards a global cyber institute – Part 2.
By Allan J. Sayle, President Allan Sayle Associates

“New times demand new measures and new men;
The world advances, and in time outgrows
The laws that in our fathers’ day were best;
And, doubtless, after us, some purer scheme
Will be shaped out by wiser men than we.”

J.R. Lowell
A Glance Behind the Curtain.

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Part 1 of this article attempted to describe some of the shortcomings of traditional bricks and mortar based national quality bodies, BAMs. This Part 2 contains a number of suggestions about how a cyber-based, global quality institute might be set up and operate. One stresses the suggestions represent the author’s thoughts and are certainly not presumed as “set in stone”. It would be for those wishing to be founder members to determine the actual framework and modus operandi that would be changed from time-to-time as deemed necessary. The suggestions might make my ideas for a new Institute appear inchoate at this time. That is to be expected as it is important the founding members decide on what they want: it is their Institute, not mine.


The following topics are addressed:

A platform for the Institute
Objects and purpose of the Institute
Name for the Institute
A possible structure and membership requirements for the Institute
Governing rules
Membership dues
Local national interests
Articles for the site or for the Library or Reading Room
Business sector matters
Training courses and certification
Registration schemes and registrars
Developing international standards
How to get the cyber Institute going
How you can help to build membership
What does the membership want
In what ways would the cyber Institute be different from the BAMs?
A respectable goal and a goal of respect
Register of volunteer assistants

Next: A platform for the Institute




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